Replay value (the situation I find myself in)

Replay value? :-) Sorry, noda. You best play it the first time with mods or you're basically as*fu*ked the second time.
Professor Danger! said:
I don't go all crazy about what buildings would be destroyed and what would stand and where. It's a game after all. But the story BLOWS. The atmosphere is there and the explorations (sometimes, since the usual payoff is, well, nothing) decent. But once you explore enough, it all becomes the same. And then you're left with, a repetitive atmosphere and an horribly written story.

Which I think is the biggest thing stopping me from enjoying the game any further. I almost recoiled after seeing the same doors used in Fallout 3 in New Vegas screenshots. Obviously they're going to use the same doors (I doubt new door models are high on their list of stuff to change), but it made me feel sad that even in NV, I'm going to hear the same old sound effects, see the same machine models, etc. and that it's effectively going to feel like the burned out East Coast atmosphere of Fallout 3 by default. I'm thinking the overall New Vegas feeling will override that, but yeah, damn. F03 was engaging while there was still stuff to explore, and then...crash.