Replaying any mission? Ideas?


Take a dirt nap
So I need to go back to the Jefferson mission, the tenth mission. I realise there's no way to do this in game, so I tried extracting the Jefferson mission from the files, and placing it as a custom mission. That didn't work unfortunately, so I tried placing it in the multiplayer, which worked, but of coarse I can't play a multiplayer game on my own, as it just times out. I do know how to setup online games (via gameranger), but I wan't to find an easier way to do this. I'm a content creator, so I need to be able to record footage from Tactics.

I had the idea of creating a custom campaign in the FT Tools, but i was wondering if you guys could think of any other way?
Never mind, I figured it out. You need to extract the mission into the single player custom missions folder. Then go to FT tools, add a player to the map, then start the mission through the game.