CazadorVault RED Engineer
First time out of the vault

As I am new to this forum, I do not have a picture for my avatar. I was wondering if anyone was willing to make me a custom picture for this use? I am willing to pay for said work if necessary.
What I would like to have is a pic (headswap?) of a Red Engineer (either just a bust shot or full body) in the power armor (just the power armor, as I want his head to be seen) worn by the Brotherhood Of Steel in FA3/NV, possibly accompanied by ED-E w/ some TF2 turret bits on him. On his head should be his trademark construction hard hat and the unlockable welding mask from TF2. I want the welding mask to be in the "up" position, so that his face and goggles can be seen. I'd also like to have the red engineer team logo on his shoulderpads and the RED Team Logo where the rank would normally be on Brotherhood Of Steel/Engima body armor (over the "heart" area" I think. XS). If his hands are showing, I want one to have his trademark yellow glove and the other to have the cybernetic "gunslinger" hand. I'd also like for one hand to hold a "Southern Hospitality" wrench, and the other to hold the Tesla gun that has been in both games. Again, whoever would be willing to make this work of art for me would have my gratitude. XD
What I would like to have is a pic (headswap?) of a Red Engineer (either just a bust shot or full body) in the power armor (just the power armor, as I want his head to be seen) worn by the Brotherhood Of Steel in FA3/NV, possibly accompanied by ED-E w/ some TF2 turret bits on him. On his head should be his trademark construction hard hat and the unlockable welding mask from TF2. I want the welding mask to be in the "up" position, so that his face and goggles can be seen. I'd also like to have the red engineer team logo on his shoulderpads and the RED Team Logo where the rank would normally be on Brotherhood Of Steel/Engima body armor (over the "heart" area" I think. XS). If his hands are showing, I want one to have his trademark yellow glove and the other to have the cybernetic "gunslinger" hand. I'd also like for one hand to hold a "Southern Hospitality" wrench, and the other to hold the Tesla gun that has been in both games. Again, whoever would be willing to make this work of art for me would have my gratitude. XD