[RESOLVED] NPC turns into a container?!


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I just cleared out the Military Base, and noticed Goris had turned into a container, not able to move except in combat. He would fight normally, but become still as a statue when the battle was over. His talk icon was gone, all I could do was "open" him, but when I tried to put stuff in him there was no space even though he wasn't carrying anything.

Then we fought some fire geckos, he took a beating, and for some reason after that fight he was "cured" and behaved like a normal NPC again.

Anyone got any ideas what happened? I'm using the RP v2.3.3.
I've seen that happen before, but mostly with Marcus AFAIR. I never got a clue of why that happened, but know you are not alone.
I suspect you transitioned to another map while Goris was still unconscious or knocked out, it's usually solved by going into combat and ending turns waiting for the companion to wake up.
I suspect you transitioned to another map while Goris was still unconscious or knocked out, it's usually solved by going into combat and ending turns waiting for the companion to wake up.

Yeah, I've had that happen with Miria quite a few times in the past.
Ahhhh. Of course. He did get smacked around a bit by those Power Fisting muties.
@Crafty @Drobovik See, I told you this bug exists :P It exists in both Fallout and Fallout 2, and has for a very long time.

In my personal experience, it only happened when a team member had a critical failure in combat.
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Hopefully it will never happen in Falltergeist, sincere it'll come with Sfall's features built-in and lack the problems that exist in both Fallout games' engine.
Interesting, open-source engine could be cool. I don't like certain aspects of FOnline engine so I never seriously considered using that for Fixt. But this one looks like it's essentially a clone of the look and feel.

What do you think @JimTheDinosaur @Lexx @phobos2077 do you guys think it'd be worth it to get Fixt into this Falltergeist engine? If it makes it possible to do stuff that currently seems impossible or improbable in Fallout 2 engine, it is a good option to consider. (Obviously I'm still going to do the Fallout 2 thing, just thinking long-term here)
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My 2 cents is that you should always take a wait and see attitude towards any fan project, whether mod or engine or whatever. Odds of it being completed any time soon, or even at all, are always going to be up in the air. So work with the tools you have I'd say, especially given that you can pretty much do almost everything you want with the FO2 engine.
No idea what exactly this engine is. But if you want the option of turning Fallout into something related to multiplayer, then FOnline is the way to go.
The critical failure thing sounds very plausible. I had the Jinxed trait, so people were fumbling their weapons and knocking themselves down quite a lot.

What is this FOnline I keep reading about? Has someone ported the game to multiplayer or something?
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Agree with Lexx, at least partially. I'm all in for an open source engine, but I don't see the point in writing the whole thing from scratch. Either reutilize FOnline, or FIFE, or gemrb. Yet another pharaonic project is unlikely to complete, sadly. Sharing resources is usually a better option.

EDIT: didn't intend to sound too pessimistic or to discourage the project, I just think it's a better approach to try and share code, it reduces the chances of it falling into oblivion.
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Multiplayer? Blech.

Seconded on sharing code, @Oppen , I put a thing in the credits of Fixt this most recent version regarding that. It's right up at the top. Sharing source code should be mandatory.
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If Falltergeist will ever be finished, it's the way to go. Using open source mod for open source engine is like unlimited possibilities, when they are written properly :)
Still, we need some programming muscle urgently. The project needs some refactoring (not very big), scripting engine integration and then implement basic UI in scripts (Lua most probably). After that, it will be easy for anyone to kick in and contribute missing features. Falltergeist has a lot of stuff working already, it's completely open source and is written in C++ (they only true way ;-) ). So it's a good place for anyone who wants to make fallout engine to start, instead of starting to re-invent the wheel again.
@NovaRain @Crafty @phobos2077
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