Restoration Project and Megamod Comparison


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
For those who have played both the Restoration Project and Megamod, how do they compare? Because while I'm using the Restoration Pack right now, on the surface it seems the Megamod has everything the Restoration Pack has and more. This is going off the Vault-labs wiki. I'm wondering if the restored content is handled differently in each of these mods or the RP has restored content the Megamod doesn't have.

Thank you for any clarification.
Not enough playing experience with megamod, but for the informations i have.

- Restoration project is (99%) finished while Megamod will constantly be a Work In Progress, gathering mods from multiple sources. Some of those other mods are still work in Progress, some are abandoned. Some are conflicting with each other. So, there is little chance that it will be over someday. There will always be some holes and bugs.

- Restoration project is mostly bug free, while Megamod is constantly on a bug-testing phase, removing content that crashes too much, then putting back after a few fixes, and seeing if it crashes again. You enter the game at your own risks.

- The content added in Restoration Project is the content intended by the developpers with some modders filling the blank. It is supposed to blend smoothly with the already existing content, so you don't feel like you are playing a different game. The base game is the core on which things are build upon. Megamod gathers many different mods that weren't necessary made to be played together. Even if the project lead is making some effort to blend them, they could have extremely different tone, goal, balance, and most likely not reference each other. So the game will feel disconnected at time. Plus, some locations of the vanilla games are different and some content removed if i am not wrong. I my memory serves me well, they removed the original temple of trials to put another instead. So the game will most likely be a mix of a quantity of content than a cohesive experience like Fallout 1 or Fallout 2.

- Restoration only add a few locations. Those locations are mostly extensions of the original content that tries to blend in as much as possible. Let's say they increase the playthrough lenght by 10% at best. Potentially, the quantity of locations added by Megamod (if bug free) could multiplies several times the duration of the playthrough and the ammount of content. Your playthrough would be at least twice longer.

- So imo, Restoration Project is like playing the original game as it was intended. You can play the vanilla game or Restoration Project, or both version back to back if you want a pure undilluted Falllout 2 experience. You should do it if it is your first time with the IP or if you want a reminder of the original content. On the other hand, if you already played it a dozen times, and want more content, Megamod is one of the possible options (there is a couple of other campaigns and adventures). Because there definitely is more content.
Oh yeah, I played Fallout 2 long ago, and am playing again. I'm just trying to figure out the bang for my buck. Except for the Alt-Miria mod (which I can't get to work) it sounds like I might want to do the Megamod. After I get through this current playthrough
For anyone who's played the megamod, can Mira be left places? I don't mind her following my character everywhere, provided either she can finally stay put on oil rig or she can follow and it won't set off the alarm.
What @naossano said is almost entirely correct about the MegaMod. I would just make a few clarifications for others reading this (which I will do later).

Regarding Miria: she can be left places and she will set off alarms.
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What @naossano said is almost entirely correct about the MegaMod. I wouls just make a few clarifications for others reading this (which I will do later).

Regarding Miria: she can be left places and she will set off alarms.

Ok that's fair and that works.

Are you guys still adding new content? I thought the last update was in 2014?
Beside the langage, i wonder what are the main differences between Megamod and Global Mod...
They both seems to be gathering most of the community mods that aren't total conversions.
So, to further clarify some things @naossano said:

...Megamod will constantly be a Work In Progress, gathering mods from multiple sources. Some of those other mods are still work in Progress, some are abandoned. Some are conflicting with each other. So, there is little chance that it will be over someday. There will always be some holes and bugs.

Absolutely. I plan to work on this for a long time to come. However, I do plan to fully add the RP to the MM. Of course, there may be conflicts with some of the locations, quests, storylines, etc. Or, maybe there won't be any conflicts eventually, merely more solutions. And, I have a lot of ideas of my own that I also have included or plan to include. I don't just take other mods.

- Restoration project is mostly bug free, while Megamod is constantly on a bug-testing phase, removing content that crashes too much, then putting back after a few fixes, and seeing if it crashes again. You enter the game at your own risks.

I spend a heck of lot more time modding than I do actually playing the game. It's hard to tell sometimes exactly what the developers intended. So, yes, there are bugs, and I could always use help in finding them.

- ...Even if the project lead is making some effort to blend them, they could have extremely different tone, goal, balance, and most likely not reference each other. So the game will feel disconnected at time. Plus, some locations of the vanilla games are different and some content removed if i am not wrong. I my memory serves me well, they removed the original temple of trials to put another instead. So the game will most likely be a mix of a quantity of content than a cohesive experience like Fallout 1 or Fallout 2.

Not entirely correct, here. Yes, the team does work to make things fit. (And by team, I mean me.) But yes, different authors have their own writing styles. While I have edited most for clarity, I have done little else to modify them to make them fit the mood/tone of the original game. I have not removed anything from the original game, though, with the exception of a few things modified by TeamX's New Vision mod. Yes, the Temple is a little bit different. It is a little bit harder, and the final challenge of the Temple is not the same. Klamath had a few things removed, too. The quest to find Torr at the canyon was removed (as well as the source of the sounds in the canyon). The quest involving Torr and the Bugmen was also removed. However, that quest involving the Bugmen and cattle rustling will be re-added someday.

Are you guys still adding new content? I thought the last update was in 2014?

I am still working on the mod. The last time I released updates were in June 2016. Those were versions 2.46 and 2.46.1. I hope to have version 2.47 out relatively soon.

Beside the langage, i wonder what are the main differences between Megamod and Global Mod...
They both seems to be gathering most of the community mods that aren't total conversions.

I couldn't tell you, really. I haven't played the Global mod. And remember: I don't just add in other mods, I include a lot of my own changes/updates/fixes. I'm not sure what the developers of the Global mod do, whether they only include other mods or make other changes themselves, too.
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I don't want to reduce your input on the project. I think that the project also have quite some advantages. Even if you were just adding locations and gameplay mods that aren't total conversion, blending them together without crash is already an humongous task. (and filling the holes when there are)

My point was, from a player perspective, that those two projects. (RP and Megamod) offer two different gaming experience, that have pros and cons.

IMO, if it is your first time with Fallout 2, i would strongly suggest to start with the vanilla game or the Restoration project, that are more stables, more cohesive and more fitting to the devellopers intends.

If you have already played the game and want more, the Megamod definitely deliver more content. And probably expand the game lenght quite a lot. I do think that the game provide a different experience, especially with New Vision. And i don't think that is something entirelly negative. If you already played the original or the RP, it is great to have a fresh take on the game and experience things on a different way. It is a mix of familiar places and totally new adventures. On the other hand, if it is your first time with the game, better have the original content.

About the bugs themselves, they are related to the humongous task of blending all those things together, including things that already had their own bugs to begin with. That seems to be a pretty big task to not only fix them, but also find them in the first place. And i doubt that fixing 100% of the bugs is a reachable goal in any game of the franchise, regardless if it is vannilla or total conversions. There is simply just too many parameters.

About participating in bug testing, i will do it as soon as i get into Megamod, but it won't probablly happen before i try a good bunch of other mods. Don't want to re-do the main quest so soon after my last RP playthrough.
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