Restricted Area preview

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
PC IGN did a preview of the upcoming Restricted Area game:<blockquote>Master Creating's Restricted Area should seem familiar to most gamers. Taking the best parts of games like Diablo and Fallout, Restricted Area is a modern version of the classic isometric action games that used to make up such a large percentage of the PC gaming catalog. We recently had the chance to play through a fair bit of the game ourselves thanks to a recent build.

I'm amazed that these post-apocalyptic games don't shock us into some sort of grassroots action as gamers. I mean, at times it seems like science-fiction fans and gamers are the only ones who are routinely exposed to the proverbial "chilling vision of things to come." In this case, Restricted Area postulates a world where the environmental excesses of the 20th century eventually lead to a global catastrophe. Worldwide economic depression, civil wars and rising corporate tensions only add to humanity's troubles during this period.</blockquote>Link: RA preview on PC IGN

Spotted on RPGCodex