Restricted Area shipped to NA

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Master Creating's Restricted Area has finally shipped to Northern America. The official website is reporting on the first American review, as well as a bucketload of previews, most of which are old but I'll include them as links for everyone to get a quick overview. The review, while only a review of a beta, is very positive and does a lot of namedropping, from Diablo to you know what:<blockquote>Outside the original part of town where you start, the world looks a lot like the famous Fallout Series. There are even vaults and a good mixture of old technology like clubs and new tech like plasma rifles. Inside dark abandoned factories and the like, your cursor acts like a portable flashlight. Whatever you point to is illuminated somewhat, which is a really cool effect that I highly enjoy. If you think you see something moving in the dark, you shine your light on it. If something is there, then you are ready to click the right mouse button to blow it away, just like having a light on the end of your gun.</blockquote>And according to the website, Gamespy has gone as far as to proclaim the game "the love child of Fallout and Diablo!"

Link: Restricted Area website
Link: GIN RA review that really is a preview, actually
Link: Gamespy RA preview
Link: NLGaming RA preview
Link: Game Chronicles RA preview
Link: GameNexus RA preview
Link: LoadedInc RA preview

Spotted on RPGDot
FeelTheRads said:
More like an abomination.

I don't think you could have a lovechild of Fallout and Diablo and not have it be an abomination. You might as well try crossing NFL Hockey Games with Nascar Racing Sims. Warcraft with Street Fighter II?

Hey, Rosh, what about this comment from Gamespy:
The first thing you'll notice is that Restricted Area is not a 3D game. Its 2D, isometric style is reminiscent of older titles. While this might date the game a little, the graphics are highly detailed with shadow effects, weather, explosions, and more.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
When Diablo and Fallout have a lovechild, you know that the world is coming to an end.

An RPG of Fallout's quality set in the world of Diablo, now that would be cool.
I still live in this world, though, so it's still a pretty damn good one.
No argument here, if it weren't for Jebus I'm pretty sure the suicide rates all around the world would go through the roof. :mrgreen:

Anyway, Jebus, what's with the Megatron-style comments lately?
Examns. Not much time nor willpower to type decent texts.

*EDIT* And I don't write Megatron-type posts, Megatron types Jebus-type posts. Sjeesh. Get your hierarchy right!
That GameSpy reviewer is probably a lovechild of a Virginian crackwhore and her brother.

By the way, thanks for diligently reporting every trivial newsbit about the game very existence of which makes me vomit. What's next? Special NMA section devoted to Restricted Area? Per writing an ultimate RA guide? Changing the website name into No RPGs Allowed? Merger with Whichever it is, inform me in advance so I can hang myself.
Silencer said:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
When Diablo and Fallout have a lovechild, you know that the world is coming to an end.

An RPG of Fallout's quality set in the world of Diablo, now that would be cool.

That's one thing that always pissed me off about diablo. They invented this big, interesting world and never used it for anything.
Ratty said:
By the way, thanks for diligently reporting every trivial newsbit about the game very existence of which makes me vomit.
Hey, you can kill Muties with a Plasma Rifle. That makes it Fallouty. :wink: