Rewriting the Fallout series

Ugly Kid

Still Mildly Glowing
I'd love to one day buy the Fallout IP. It'll never happen but a man can dream. If I could then I'd re-do Fallout 1, 2, Van Buren, New Vegas, 3, and 4. This thread, or alternatively a google document if you prefer, has some of the things I think I'd want to do. It's not great, it's still a rough draft, but I like a lot of the ideas I have.

So first of all, thanks for even clicking into this thread/document(whichever format I decide to post this with). And second, I know that sometimes I’m really cringy and a shitty writer. I almost failed every english class I was in during middle school and high school, and I was in the stupid class. I’m also Canadian so there may be the occasional U that’s not in American english. But please just bear with me, I am extremely passionate for Fallout and it has become a part of my life goals. What this thread/document is, is what I would do to the existing Fallout games if I were able to obtain the Fallout IP. Don’t expect my goals to be realistic, I’m being very optimistic here. I’m also not going as in-depth as I could, things I’m leaving out include quests, miscellaneous filler locations, random encounters, and many other things. So without further ado, thanks for reading all of this and enjoy.

Mechanical Changes
Character Customization
I’d like this to be very ~modular?~(I’m not sure if that’s the right word). You should be able to manually change everything. Species, race, age, seggs, height, weight, hair, tattoos, damage, manually shaping the face and body, you get the picture. Different games would have different limits on these customizations. It would be very cool if you were also able to customize a pet companion, although that could potentially be done in-game using a new crafting machine. Maybe you could customize humanoid companions using an auto-doc. And I’d definitely bring back the Automotron robot customization. Although I wouldn’t want there to be infinite custom robots, you would only be able to customize the robot companion that the game gives you.

I’d like to bring back karma, except I’d rename it back to General Reputation because it shouldn’t have been named karma. The character you’re roleplaying as could see bad actions as good, so having a message pop-up telling you that you’re evil is stupid, however saying that you’re reputation with most people went down would make much more sense. Speaking of which, I hate having a message pop up every time I do something good or bad, I’d make General Reputation work how it did in the classic games so that it’s invisible unless you’re on the character screen.

I’d also like to bring back traits, except traits like Bloody Mess, Jinxed, Wild Wasteland, and any other trait that affects the world generally would instead be an optional setting that I’ll explain further in Gameplay Customization.

Of course I’d want skills to come back. This is probably going to be the most controversial section. I’ve been thinking about how I could do them differently but it’s surprisingly hard to come up with more functional and versatile gameplay changes. First off, the list of stats would look something like:


  • Barter

  • Persuasion

  • Intimidation

  • Seduction

  • Leadership

  • Ranged

- -(each type of gun)

- - -Ballistic

- - -Plasma

- - -Laser

  • Melee

- -Gloves

- -Knuckles

- -Boots?

-Fast Weapons

- -(each type of fast melee)

-Heavy Weapons

- -(each type of heavy melee)

  • Explosives


  • Special

  • Computers

  • Knowledge

  • Survival??

  • Repair??


  • Medicine??

-First Aid

Agile Things *rename this
  • Lock Picking
  • Sneaking
Now I know this is an insane amount of skills, but I think I’m on to something. Each time you level up, you can put points towards general skills, like guns. That would increase your general experience in all firearms. But only through use and reuse can you become a master of one particular type of firearm. You can get guns 300 but still be a little rusty in some guns. Example: You use ballistic revolvers a ton. This would increase your experience in using revolvers by quite a bit, and pistols a bit less, and small arms even less. It would also ever so slightly increase your experience in ballistic weapons. So you can’t become a god at anything just by investing points into it, you have to actually try to be good. No more winning the game just by putting points into speech. I’m aware this is flawed and probably way too complicated, but you can’t deny I’m close to something.

Gameplay Customization
What do I mean by this? Well everyone has different ideas of how Fallout should play. So I’d let the player decide how they want to. Before starting a new game, they could customise the experience they would have. There would be default sets of gamerules, but you could customise everything to your liking. Each option would be more than just [Enable/Disable], you could change the specifics. You could make the player die to even a nudge, or make them a god if you want. If you want full control of followers then you could potentially turn the game into a squad-based tactical rpg. I also don’t know how to include this into the menu, but you would be able to swap between VATS, Bullet Time, or neither. Maybe there could be another ability.


-First Person

-Third Person???









-Weight of Items

-Degradation of items


-Scarcity of Resources

-Mortality of NPCs

-Control of Followers

-Damage Input/Output

-Time Limits

Game Modifiers

-Bloody Mess


-Wild Wasteland

Isometric Combat
Starting off with movement because it’s the easiest to cover. You wouldn’t have a grid to navigate. Not only is that a bit too classic tabletop, but we also have to consider this would be played in first-person, or real-time combat. Having a grid limits object placement and location layouts, these wouldn’t look as good in first-person. Instead the movement would be similar to Wasteland Warfare, where you can move in all directions with any path, but Agility determines how far you can move. This creates more freedom for both the player and developer.

The weapon wheel would let you choose between shoot, bash, and throw, for most weapons. Unarmed and brawling weapons would allow you to choose between many different moves such as punch, jab, swipe, haymaker, strong punch, kick, ect. Melee weapons would have swing, swipe, throw, jab, and many more. You wouldn’t swap between them like in the classic games, you would have a wheel where you could pick which way you would like to attack and even favourite different attacks. This allows for many different play styles, it could even allow for different fighting styles to be unlocked and playable throughout the game. Iit could make each game feel unique by having some fighting styles not be present among each game.

First-Person Combat
Real Time: You could have different types of movements through skills/perks/traits/cybernetics/other stuff. By this I mean you could have the basic stuff like sprinting, crouching, ect. But you could also learn how to crawl, slide, mantle, dash, climb, double jump, finisher moves, and many more movement things.

Turn-Based: I have no clue how to do this. I know there are games that have done first-person turn-based combat but I haven't played them.

Attacking would be less diverse, but possibly more fun. There could also be dual-wielding/akimbo mechanics. Say if you’re a brawler then you could have brawling game mechanics like in RE7: End of Zoe. If you play with guns then it could play like Doom or Borderlands. It would be more action-packed and more fun for those who prefer that.

Unpopular opinion: I like the Fallout 4 settlement system. It’s not perfect but I love building things. I’ll get more into that in Base Building. I bring this up because I wish I could’ve taken people on a tour around my settlements in Fallout 4. Sure I can invite them over and show them but that’s not as fun for them. It would be better if they could explore it themselves.

Beyond that, I’m sure everyone’s wanted to play a Fallout game with their friends before. There are mods to do just that for a few of the games. And it kinda works.

If you could have co-op, it could be split-screen or online. The host of the game would be able to set the restrictions on their partner, like allowing them to talk to NPCs, loot containers, attack anything, ect. There could also be general game rules such as PVP or trading. I honestly think, while this isn’t a necessity, this would be fun.

I didn’t mind weapon crafting in Fallout 4, but I can see how it makes weapons less unique. Not only that, but it would make the skills I made more complicated because you can turn one type of gun into another. Fallout New Vegas’s system is a lot better in terms of keeping things unique but modular. I think it could be better to combine them. Being able to change each part of a weapon, but not being able to change the type of the weapon would be a lot better. Also being able to add stickers or paints and renaming weapons/armour would be great as well. A possibly controversial idea could be changing the receiver and barrel to allow for more ammo types than the ones previously available to each weapon. I also don’t know too much about weapons so it’s probably more complicated than that.

Of course, another criticism of the Fallout 4 crafting system is that it makes you collect too much junk that clogs up your inventory. A way to make this less cumbersome would be lowering the weight of junk items, or possibly removing it. There are other ways around it like giving junk to pack animal companions, but there needs to be something more. Something I haven’t thought of yet. I don’t know, when I play Fallout 4 I don’t feel too annoyed that the junk takes up most of the inventory.

Weapons and armours aren’t the only things you can craft in the game though. You can craft robots, which is awesome. I love the Automatron DLC. The problem is that it allows you to make infinite companions, which is not a great thing in my opinion. I think you should only be able to customise the robot companion that the game gives you, not make new ones.

This next idea isn’t necessarily crafting, but it’s similar. I’d love being able to customize your pets. Give them funny clothes, dye their fur, give them a trim, markings, and many other things. I’d also like to customize humanoid companions. You can already control their apparel and weapons, but what if you could give them a haircut, tattoos, cybernetics, and much more. Being able to customize their face and body proportions might also be fun, though it could also be self destructive.

Base Building
I like building bases, it’s fun in my opinion. However it shouldn’t be a core part of the game, it should be a fun side thing that you can do if you want. It also shouldn’t just be plopped everywhere around the map. I think there should just be one location for a base each game. The location would have to be fairly large to build as many things as people like, there would also be few limitations, if the game breaks because the base is too big then that’s on the player. Perhaps you have to buy or steal the base. The base can be whatever you want, a settlement, a market, a factory, or maybe all of the above. I’ve ever so slightly messed around with Sim Settlements, and I haven’t yet touched SS2, however I believe the features from those mods are great and should be implemented into the base game.

I won’t get into all of the mechanics, I just needed to state the important stuff.

I don’t know how to categorise these
Tutorials or anything similar would be optional. So you could make your character before the game and then skip to when it actually starts instead of having to live your entire life or sit with the doctor.

The in-game maps would always resemble the classic map system. By that I mean there would be bubbles indicating locations on a larger map and you click to traverse. New Vegas’s locations would just be much larger and take up most of the map. The Mojave of course would be the biggest location. Zion Valley and the Divide would be the only other locations you can access from the map. Walking to the edge of the local mpa wouldn’t automatically move you to another map or the map screen, you would have to confirm you want to travel before you can be moved.

Isometric gameplay would be more similar to Wasteland 3 or Mutant Year Zero than the classic Fallout gameplay. Though I’m sure that’s obvious, I still wanted to point that out.

Armour would be in parts like in Fallout 4, although you could link pieces together to make a full or partial outfit with the pieces you’ve chosen. Outfits would spawn on NPCs already linked and mostly matching. I’d also like more pieces of exchangeable armour. You could wear trenchcoats over most outfits. You could wear headphones and hats, mouth pieces and eyepieces, gloves and bracelets, and many more pieces.

Power Armour would be vehicluarised like in Fallout 4, but it wouldn’t change your HUD and you would still be able to use brawling weapons. Your movement would still be limited, you can’t crawl, climb, mantle, or dash. I think there shouldn’t be a power armour frame, power armour should go into your inventory in the same way regular armour does. It could be in pieces or it could be an outfit. You just shouldn’t be able to wear power armour limbs without the torso piece. The helmet is fine though. Power armour could be fueled if you want it to be in the Gameplay Customization before a game begins, but it wouldn’t be fueled by fusion cores. At least if fusion cores stay the unending source of power that they are in the lore. I don’t know what could replace the fuel, perhaps a bundle of fusion cells? You could change this is Gameplay Customization, but you would need to learn how to use power armour before you can wear it. I also like how you have to craft power armour in the first game but I don’t know how organically that can be reimplemented in each game.

Vehicles would be more or less scarce depending on the time era. By Fallout 1 there would be one vehicle. In the second game there would be a few more. In Van Buren there would be quite a bit. So on and so on. It would be fun if you could find or make a garage to store and craft vehicles. Each vehicle would need to be unique from one another, so you can’t turn a car into a truck, but you could still change the trunk into a box. I’m also not very knowledgeable on vehicles so this isn’t my best area of expertise. You could change this in Gameplay Customization but vehicles could degrade and be fueled. Perhaps you could tie NPCs to the back of a land vehicle, or pick up other vehicles in air vehicles. There would need to be large areas where you can use your vehicles, those areas could be your bases or perhaps a derby somewhere on the map. Perhaps there could be multiple types of vehicles beyond land, air, and water. Perhaps there are motorised vehicles, solar powered vehicles, carriages, skateboards, anything at all. NPCs could spawn in vehicles and there could be vehicle combat. Perhaps that could be turned off but either way it would be less and less rare as the setting is set further and further into the future.

Mounts would be very awesome. Mounts would be like followers, but won’t enter combat unless the creature can actually fight. The amount and type of mounts would depend on the setting of each game. Mounts could be dropped off at stables at a random location, or at stables that were built at your base. Perhaps NPCs can spawn on mounts, but less and less mounted NPCs would show up as time progresses in the Fallout universe.

Companions should have affinity like in Fallout 4, but it could possibly be visible to the player. It also shouldn’t have pop-ups on screen telling the player what their companion liked.

Random Lore Changes
Cats and equestrian animals would not go extinct. They’d just be more scarce and only be in some places. Equestrian animals would stick around Wyoming, and maybe other states but Wyoming feels the most fitting. Cats should still be all around, but they’re mostly feral by this point. Domesticated cats are very rare and not popular. There should be a large difference between domesticated and wild cats.

Wanamingos don’t have a random death clock inside of them, because that’s just really stupid. Maybe change their design a little bit but that’s it. Wanamingo queens should be much larger than regular wanamingos.

Ghouls should be really rare. Necropolis and the Reservation are two of the very rare examples of ghouls. It was a combination of exposure to radiation and being in a bunker with a specific building material. Feral ghouls should just be insane cannibals or straight up zombies. I don’t know what exactly could replace them.

Mariposa is the only location that FEV was ever stored prewar. The Master changed it to make first generation super mutants, floaters, and mutant hounds. I like mutant hounds. It can still fail and make centaurs, ghoul-like mutants, and master-like mutants, or something else. The second generation super mutants have much more variety to them than first gen. There’s a one in five hundred chance that a second gen mutant can turn into a behemoth. Second gen can also be albino, which makes their skin white as ash and makes them sensitive to sunlight. Second gen can be red and slightly more scrawny which makes them weaker. Super mutants universally can’t use stimpacks because it was designed for humans and can’t heal mutants. They need to make their own version of stimpacks that humans can’t use. Nightkin have stages now, they start out turning kinda blue and really like stealth boys. Stage 1 nightkin have a relatively high chance of recovering from their addiction but their skin is permanently blue. Stage 2 nightkin turn kinda purple and hate being looked at by humans. Stage 2 nightkin have a smaller chance of recovery. Stage 3 nightkin turn black as obsidian and have almost no chance of recovery. Stage 3 nightkin are also insane and kill most things on sight.

Deathclaws and radscorpions only live in deserts.

The BoS never expands any further east than the Four-States commonwealth. No further north than Oregon. And no further south than Sonora.

Suits of power armour and when they exist: T-45 + T-51 are prewar, X-01(Advanced power armour) + X-02(Fallout 3’s Enclave power armour) + X-03(Hellfire) are invented by the enclave after the war, there is no other type of suit as of yet. X-01 suits are used by higher ranking Enclave members and are treated as heavy armour. X-02 is weaker than T-45 but it’s more versatile in terms of movement and is still pretty tough. X-03 is only given to the most important Enclave members. It is extremely powerful but also extremely heavy and harder to move in.

I’d like to use most Fallout 4 designs for robots. One design that I like more in classic Fallout is the sentry bot, but I also like the Fallout 4 sentry bot so maybe I could make them two different robots.

There is no paranormal in the Fallout universe. Zetans are fine as long as they aren’t very involved. Maybe the most aliens show up in the series would be a non-consequential sidequest. Psykers are ok as long as they are handled the way the Master and Forecaster were handled. They weren’t explicitly stated to have magical powers, their powers can be seen as something that would obviously happen like getting paranoid or knowing something big will happen soon, and they were just kinda off to the side. At least their powers were to the side.

Vault layouts in each fallout game will be unique from one another.

Pip-Boys will look like the original Pip-Boy just flipped so it’s more user friendly. There’s a New Vegas mod to help visualise it in 3D.

Fallout 1
I would not change a thing about the current setting. You’re a human vault dweller of vault 13 that picked the short straw and was sent out by the overseer to get the water chip. The year is 2161 and the location is lower California.

Keep the current creatures but add: Wild cats, Wanamingos, Bighorners, Coyotes, maybe Nightstalkers and Cazadors but maybe not, can’t remember if Ants were in Fallout 1, some spider enemy, Cyberdogs, Snakes, Two-headed bear, variations of brahmin that have just one head, Mutant Hounds, Waste Wolf??, large bird creatures, mountain lions, mutated gophers, radstags (from Fallout 4), maybe more that I can’t think of right now.

All the basic armour that’s in the game already, add T-45 power armour, add super mutant armours, add animal armours, and add one suit of LAPD riot armour in the Boneyard. There could be more armours that I can’t really think of right now.

Not my particular field of expertise, but I would like the FNV version of power fists to be in this game. Maybe give a katana to the Khans. Add the Fat Man Rename the plasma rifle to the plasma caster then add FNV’s plasma rifle. Maybe just absorb most of FNV’s arsenal but not the anti-material rifle or ranger sequoia. Or any unique special weapons.

The Highwayman. I know that’s Fallout 2’s car but if I’m going to add more vehicles to the series than this would be the perfect vehicle to be the easiest to repair.

Out of the original companions in the game, Ian by far has the most character. It’s still less character than the worst written companions in Fallout 2 though. I’m not sure what companion quest Ian could have, maybe it has to do with Shady Sands in some form.

Katja doesn’t have a lot to go off of. She’s with the FotA so maybe she’s super nice. A companion quest could be doing charity or something. I don’t have many ideas for Katja. I'd love some suggestions.

Instead of being an ex desert ranger, he should be an ex BoS paladin. I think this because I feel like Tycho shouldn’t just be a Wasteland reference. Also it would be interesting to see an ex BoS member. Tycho is generally underwritten so it wouldn’t really ruin his character as he has no character. If you get enough affinity with Tycho then he could have a questline about the BoS. Maybe he likes a girl in Lost Hills and wants her to leave the BoS but he’s no longer allowed in and that’s where you come in. Maybe you could try to convince him it’s better to rejoin the BoS than for her to leave.

Things that raise his affinity would be handling power armour and energy weapons, being a hardass, rebelling, crafting, other things.

Things that lower his affinity would be asskissing, being generous, and other things.

I want to rename Dogmeat. I wish Dogmeat wasn’t a name that showed up in the Fallout universe. It started as a reference to A Boy And His Dog, then Emil decided it will be the Fallout dog. Maybe call him Jerky or something I don’t care. He doesn’t need much else to be changed.

There should be a sympathetic super mutant companion. You can’t take him everywhere without scaring some people, much like Joshua Graham in Van Buren. He’s found in the Boneyard at the FotA library. He wears a tinfoil hat or something so the Master has no control over him and the hivemind can’t find him. He can’t remember much from before he was dipped, all he knows is he is Jose. He’s a gentle giant when dealing with things he likes, but a monster when dealing with things he hates. He’s naturally good at brawling and melee but prefers heavy weapons. If you increase his affinity enough then he could have a questline where you help him find his family. All he remembers about them is roughly where they live. I don’t know much about the specifics of the quest but there could be two outcomes. The first outcome is Jose becomes less intimidating and people don’t mind him as much anymore. The second would be Jose becomes more intimidating but he fights much more efficiently.

Things that increase his affinity would be being generous/kind, fighting the Unity, handling animals, I can’t think of more things right now.

Things that decrease his affinity would be stealing, needless murder, being a dick, other things.

J0hn is a protectron who can be found and bought at the Hub from some random merchant. J0hn has an optional AI personality that turns him into a greaser, and he thinks he’s a human. If you tell him he’s a robot and pass a speech check, then he goes into robo-depression. You can customise him with an automatron crafting station.

This is just an idea, what about a s’lanter follower?

Keep all of the current factions and add the s’lanters. I’d change them a lot though. They would live in a fortified garbage dump and look less like fantasy creatures and more like mutated raccoons. They’d be as big as a large dog and look kinda mangled but not too much. They’d use primitive tools, weapons, and only have leather armour. They don’t speak english but they aren’t hostile and can even trade. The only quests here would be unmarked since you can’t really understand what they ask you to do. They would have guard rats. From cave rats all the way to molerats. I should also try to rename them to something more apocalyptic.

I wouldn’t really change the story, I would change the Vault Dweller’s memoirs though. The Vault Dweller would collect every companion in the game, and the companions wouldn’t die until after completing the three main goals of the game. The Vault Dweller would also go to each location in the game and join the BoS. The Vault Dweller also wouldn’t help Gismo in Junktown because that doesn’t seem like the Vault Dweller at all.

One thing I might want to add could be playing as a super mutant and fighting for the Master after getting dipped.

There should be post-ending gameplay.

Fallout 2
I wouldn’t want to change the location but I feel like it should take place earlier in the timeline. Maybe just 30 years although I could change that later. So for now Fallout 2 starts in 2191. You also wouldn’t play as the descendant of the Vault Dweller, you’d just play as the guy who could get past the temple of trials. You wouldn’t have to play through the temple, you could skip it if you wanted to and the game would start with you talking to the village elder. You could also choose to be human, super mutant(plus variations, minus behemoth), ghoul, maybe a s’lanter?, or possibly even a robot. There could be more species/mutants to play as if more pop up in the Fallout universe.

Add all the creatures I mentioned in the Fallout 1 Wildlife section. Possibly add a large dragonfly. Maybe a moose in the north. I can’t think of more that should be in it.

All the stuff mentioned in the Fallout 1 gear section. The riot armour now being used for NCR rangers.

Add the X-01 and X-02. Give the NCR ranger armour variants to fit different mutants and species of sentient creatures. New dog armours as well. At least one new armour for each new faction, and new armours for the Khans. A few sets of prototype deathclaw armours for Goris. Some rags that can be thrown over Goris.

Add the anti-material rifle and the ranger sequoia.

The Highwayman of course. A vertibird. A truck of some kind. And maybe an NCR vehicle since they supposedly have a ton.

For this I’m copy and pasting things I’ve written in NMA threads already. Also I’ve removed Dogmeat and the shotgun wedding spouses. The shotgun wedding could still happen but your spouse is no longer a follower.

I’d merge K-9 and the robodog Doc Henry has. I’d also rename K-9 but I don’t know what I would name him. If you go to Doc Henry then you could help him make a cure for the FEV and he’ll give you K-9. There would be a quest for the FEV cure with different stages. Each time the mutant test subject is killed, but you get rewarded. The first reward is K-9, every reward after that is an upgrade to K-9. The drawback is each time you kill a subject you end up losing a lot of general reputation. Upgrades could be stat boosts, weapons, and aggression modifiers.

The Pariah dog could've been so much better. I think many people have come up with this but what if the more the Pariah dog likes you the less you get screwed over by the jinxed trait. I'd like to call it Pariah instead of "The Pariah Dog", so how about he has a collar with the name Pariah on it. Maybe you kill all of the fleas on it, disinfect it's wounds, bathe it, bandage it, stimpak it, then play with it, give it a toy, and some treats, then you can never get a failure from jinxed. Or maybe you just no longer have jinxed. I think Pariah's fate after this change could be that it follows the Chosen to Arroyo and dies at 24 or something, living so long because of the Chosen. Keeping it around brings good luck so they stuff it and it gets passed down to each elder of Arroyo.

Skynet needs a couple changes in my opinion. The quest to get Skynet has you put in way more effort than it is worth. I think if we include Fallout 4's automatron system in the game, then Skynet becomes much less useless because you could upgrade Skynet to have two massive shoulder mounted missile launchers and give it a laser hand and treads that move faster than light. Or you could just add more robobrain animations for the various weapons and give a small buff. I also came up with an idea I really like. What if Skynet isn't named as Terminator reference and is referred to as the "Sierra AI". So the AI would assume that's it's name. Sierra would also associate the name with femininity and assume that it's a female AI, but Sierra would have a male voice. I'm not trying to add pandering to wider audiences into the game, I just think it would be a little funny. Sierra would also want to wear bows and a dress if their torso can fit one. And if it has the Fallout 4 design, where there is an eye in front of the brain, then I'd give it(her?) eyelashes.

Myron, baby boy Myron. Make him 18, and not a rapist. I also would like a different fate for him, maybe you could have dialogue options with him that aren't aggressive. If you don't choose a rude dialogue option with him while he's following you for an in-game week, he would question why you're so nice. You could explain people are supposed to be nice or whatever, just talk with Myron and he would learn so much and become a better person. If he becomes a good person (I.E. not an arrogant wimpy self entitled bastard) then he would try to make a career outside of drugs, maybe become an NCR ranger and help people. If he stays a bad person then I'm fine with him getting stabbed to death.

For Sulik, I wouldn't change much of him, I'd just increase his buy-out price and make it so you need to rescue Torr from the Mr Handy before you can recruit Sulik. Maybe his price is $500, then he would need you to prove yourself by saving Torr, or if you have a guardian of the damned General Reputation title then Grampy bone would say you're alright. Afterwards I'd make him have an affinity system and if he likes you enough then he will mention his sister and say he gave up on finding her once he made it to Klamath. His freak out at the bar was what came right before acceptance. You could convince him that she's still out there and then search for her with Sulik, and eventually rescue her.

I'd like it if Vic could actually open a repair shop like he constantly says he will. I also want an explanation as to how the village elder knows Vic. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, but it just felt very random. So maybe Vic trades with Arroyo, and talks to the village elder, maybe flirts a little or something, maybe not since she's so old. Other than that he's fine the way he is.

For Cassidy, I'd like it if people referred to him as John, and his daughter Rose, so it gets less confusing. I'd also want you to have to pay off his debt to Vault City before he just abandons his bar. I do want him to have a companion quest, but I don't know what it would be. The most obvious thing would be his heart problem, but how would you fix that? Give Cassidy a cybernetic heart? I'd also like it if Rose's mom was a tribal from Arroyo and maybe after saving Arroyo Cassidy would sex a tribal?

For Lenny, I'd flesh out his personality and relationship with his father a bit more. Maybe after digging up his dad in Golgotha and Lenny asking him what he's doing there, you could talk to Lenny about his dad. His dad has serious chem addictions, and Lenny's relationship with his father has never been great because of it. So his dad would make his way to Gecko, and you would have to have to fix his chem addiction somehow. Maybe you would have to find a recipe for fixer that tailors to Lenny's dad's specific addictions. After fixing up Lenny's dad, Lenny and his dad would have a healthy relationship.

So I'd give Marcus a few quests that have to do with xenophobia. Marcus would ask you to help him make Redding and Vault City less xenophobic. And I think to do that, you would need Vault City to become an NCR territory, and Redding would probably choose to join NCR, because they would then have the benefits of NCR and Vault City. Tandi had already passed a law that discrimination isn't okay, and that's why you would need Vault City to become NCR. So Marcus would ask you to take him to Tandi and bring up the matter with her, she wouldn't see much interest in Vault City and tell Marcus no. So you would need to optimize the Gecko power plant which would also benefit Vault City, and make Vault City more appealing to NCR. You would need to get McClure to try to convince the council to join NCR.

Maybe Goris could've been the deathclaw being held captive at Navarro. Goris could've been the first deathclaw to be apart of the deathclaw FEV experiments, the FEV turns him albino, allows him to parrot human speech, and gives him sentience. He's going to be euthanized because he's just a test product, but if you help him escape then he will meet you outside Navarro, after killing the guy who directs the new Enclave recruits to Navarro and taking his robes. He will ask to join you because he doesn't know what's out there.

A possible ending for Goris is that he becomes Arroyo's official scholar. The reason he would choose to join Arroyo would be that he doesn't want to leave the Chosen One's side, because Goris still has mental age of a 4 year old and the Chosen would be the only parental-type figure Goris can remember.

Mod Companions
I haven't played much of Megamod and Restoration Project, but I know there are companions in there and I wouldn't mind including some of them if they're good enough. Klint is the only one I found, and I don't feel like he works that well.

New Companion
I'd also add some new companions to the game if I could remake it. There is a major lack of female companions, which is partially why I turned Skynet into Sierra. I would also add an option to join the Enclave, so why not a female Enclave companion? Daisy Whitman from New Vegas. She could also be how the player acquires a vertibird, which is a mod for Fallout 2 currently. And maybe doc Henry would talk to you if you have Daisy as well, considering they are in the same team. I also feel like she would play a similar role to Joshua Graham in Van Buren, being the strongest companion but having everyone be terrified of her, only because she is enclave and comes with power armor. As to how and where you would recruit her, I don't know I haven't thought about adding new companions as much as I have changing existing ones. Maybe she could be the enclave soldier at the crashed vertibird, and you have to help her repair her vertibird. She could play a role in saving Torr. The Mr Handy AI protects Daisy and sees Torr as a threat, so you could get her to assist in shutting it off. You'd need to go to Navarro and stealthily rip out an essential part of a vertibird, then bring it back to Daisy to repair her's. You could get her to join you either by joining the Enclave yourself, or trying to convince her that the Enclave is bad.

Frank Horrigan is interesting, but written poorly. His dialogue is great, I just feel he doesn’t fit in the Enclave as the “special agent”. And they don’t consider him a mutant because he’s loyal? So instead they should just let him stay because he would kill all of them if he got kicked out. Also he should have a super vertibird that helps him travel between the oil rig and the mainland.

The Navarro locker room shouldn’t have the best armour in the game, instead it should have X-02 power armour because it would be the weakest power armour in my version of the series.

The Shi would be fine if they weren’t so focused on martial arts and old world China. Martial arts can at least be taught by the Shi but it’s a small side thing that may be easy to miss. They would make an independent nation out of San Fran but could potentially make a treaty with the NCR. Maybe while the NCR is weak(Hoover Dam) the Shi attack and grow to become much stronger. They wouldn’t wipe out the NCR but they would have a larger territory that could even extend to Navarro. Though maybe they don’t go to war with the NCR. Just an idea.

Make hubology less of a hit on scientology. They’d still be a cult for the wealthy but they wouldn’t be major in any way. They’d recognise that San Fran belongs to the Shi. They would still be bad guys though, just more in a mentally deranged way rather than just greedy. You could help them build a spaceship but of course it wouldn’t work. It could be a way to eliminate the hubologists or at least drive them away.

Not sure if this would be the right spot to put this but I would remove a couple of the more silly things in Fallout 2. Things like pop culture, poop well explosions, Brain the psyker molerat in Gecko, talking plants, and intelligent radscorpions. Boxing would be changed to be less silly but I still think boxing is fun.

Hakunin can’t send telepathic messages but he could send signs. Maybe the sign is just a feeling in your head or something.

You should be able to defeat the Enclave before acquiring the GECK, like how in Fallout 1 you can defeat the Master before getting the water chip. This adds more freedom and replayability and I think every rpg should allow something similar.

Tandi would be much younger since this version of the game takes place 50 years earlier. She’d still be considered old for someone living in the wasteland. She would have to die shortly after the game ends for Van Buren and New Vegas to be as good as they can be.

Vault 13 would be full of Enclave soldiers instead of intelligent deathclaws. I haven’t fully thought this through yet but I feel like it’s better than a species of sentient deathclaws. You could get to see the bad side of the Enclave which you don’t really see at Navarro. They would show little care for their job or the fact that they killed a ton of vault residents. This could be where the player could join the Enclave. You would have to either be wearing Enclave armour to get in, or have to convince them they should let you in somehow.

You should be able to talk down the president. You could convince him that the difference between “pure humans” and wastelanders is so tiny that it doesn’t matter. Or just show him the many examples of humanity rebuilding. The NCR could be the best example considering they try to replicate the USA. Talking down the president would bypass the Frank Horrigan boss battle. Frank could have a quick conversation with you but he would feel as though the president has betrayed the Enclave and he just wants to deal with him. He sees that most soldiers just listen to the president’s blasphemy so he blows the rig up and flies away in his super vertibird. Maybe those aren’t the specifics but I think I like the general idea.

I haven’t played much of the Megamod or Restoration Project but I’m sure of the things in those mods could make it into the base game.

Fallout Van Buren
This is the game I know the least about considering it was cancelled so I may miss a lot of stuff.

Van Buren would be renamed to Fallout 3, I’ll get to Bethesda’s Fallout 3 later on. I think it should still take place 11 years after Fallout 2, and since that was moved back in the timeline by 50 years that would place Van Buren in 2203. I would also change the prisoner’s number from 13 to some random number. It seemed as though they wanted 13 to be the Fallout number but that is unnecessary. You could play as any sentient mutant/species in the Fallout universe that was in the first two games and in this game. I wouldn’t change anything else about the setting.

All the creatures in the design docs, and most of the creatures in F1, F2, and FNV. Remove cazadors and nightstalkers. Add mutant bison. Add mutant horses that hang out near Wyoming. I can’t think of what else to add or remove right now. It has quite a large map though so maybe there aren’t many creatures I should remove.

All of the stuff that appeared in the design docs and I think most of the stuff from F1, F2, and FNV. Remove Enclave power armour. Remove the vertibird.

T-60, created by the BoS or or the CoS.

X-03, created by dr Presper’s followers if I turn him into an ex-Enclave man.

I don’t know what to add that isn’t covered in “...most of the stuff from F1, F2, and FNV.”

I want to mention the chariot, but that’s covered in the design docs. I think the vehicles from Tactics could be cool. Can’t think of what air vehicle should be in the game if one at all. Not many ideas are coming to mind.

I don’t know enough about the companions to make any certainties other than I want there to be less. I think Sulik’s sister shouldn’t be in it since you would save her in my Fallout 2. Arcade Gannon also wouldn’t be in this game since he works much better in FNV.

Joshua Graham
He wouldn’t be the Hanged Man anymore. He would still be the Legion’s Legate but you could help him out in a significant way to convince him to join you. Maybe you help absorb a tribe or something.

I don’t think I would change any of the factions.

I’ll cover some pre-game lore first. The Enclave doesn’t nuke San Fran. That’s such a lazy way to write out something bad, and I feel I at least made the location a tiny bit better. This would of course change how the NCR-BoS war started because the NCR thought that the Enclave was the BoS. Though tales of what the Enclave did to Mariposa, vault 13,and Arroyo, could reach the NCR. The NCR could confuse the Enclave and BoS over these actions.

I would remove the giant robot that just moves you back to the start. It seems pointless and if I recall correctly it was only added because of publisher pressure.

Maybe I would cut down on the amount of prisoners you need to find.

A big criticism of the game is that Dr Presper or whatever his name is was severely underwritten. Maybe he’s an ex-Enclave member who escaped with Frank Horrigan and went on to continue the Enclave’s true mission. Or maybe he escaped from Navarro before the NCR closed in and he has no ties to Horrigan. If he’s ex-Enclave then he would have a reason to want to take out the filthy wastelanders, otherwise it would just be strange. I can’t do much to make Presper interesting.

There needs to be ways to cure the new plague with each type of play style. Speakers could convince Boulder Dome scientists to help out. Combat dudes could intimidate Boulder Dome scientists into helping. I forget what the fourth playstyle was but I would add an option for them as well.

Harold is still at the Nursery and still plays a large role in curing the New Plague. He doesn’t head any further east. He never goes to Washington DC or Texas. He never becomes a tree. Harold is eternal.

Caesar’s Legion hasn’t discovered Hoover Dam yet. Canonically the Prisoner doesn’t travel with Graham so Ulysses can still be the first to discover the dam.

Cheyenne Mountain wasn’t converted into a crater. Vault 0 is still there. I have no plans for how I’d do Fallout Tactics, but it has too many good concepts to be completely scrapped.

There was a location that was two locations and then one location. I think it was New Canaan and Jericho. It might’ve been different locations but I can’t remember too well. If I remember correctly, Jericho was more fleshed out but New Canaan is what was mentioned in Honest Hearts. So I’ll probably take a lot of the Jericho content and put it in New Canaan.

You don’t have to nuke a location at the end of the game.

There may be more things I change later.

There should be post-ending gameplay.

Fallout New Vegas
Fallout New Vegas would be renamed to Fallout 4, maybe New Vegas could be the secondary title. Fallout 4: New Vegas. I’ll get to Bethesda’s Fallout 4 in the next section. I would still want this to take place 40 years after Fallout 2. So my FNV would take place in 2231. I might have the Mojave map increased as (I think it was) J Sawyer had wanted. I would also make the distances in-game a lot larger to help feel like it’s a real world. You should be able to play as any sentient species/mutant that’s appeared in F1, F2, F3(VB), and now F4(NV). Doc Mitchell is no bigot.

All of the creatures in the current game and my version of F1 and F2. Maybe some of the Van Buren creatures could be in this but I can’t remember what creatures were unique to that game.

The FNV version of the molerat would be renamed to a gopherat. There could be a giant rideable gopherat like in Bethesda’s Fallout 3 concept art. I should’ve added this to all of the games at this point but I’m too lazy to go back and change it.

There are also creature mods with cool creatures, most of them aren’t very lore friendly though.

All of the armours in the current version of the game. Change the Enclave power armour that the player can get to X-02. The X-01 can still be found at that unmarked location with deathclaws.

The BoS would have T-45, T-51, and T-60 power armour.

I want to mention this again, trenchcoats would be separate armour pieces so you could have the faction specific trenchcoats from lonesome road and the elite riot gear on at the same time. Also maybe instead of advanced and elite being different from the ranger outfit, you collect upgrades to the ranger outfit that turn it into advanced and elite. Although that could make them feel less special and I’m sure many people feel as though it would take away from the feel of the suits.

More super mutant armours. Some NCR outfits, some gambler outfits, maybe a customised riot suit for mutants.

I’m sure I’ll think of more later.

Make the designs of most weapons look like their classic counterparts. One exception would be powerfists. FNV power fists look awesome. Just rename the classic fist to the powerglove and add it to FNV.

I don’t really know what else could be added. I’m sure people in NMA could have more ideas.

All of the vehicles in F1, F2, and VB. Maybe you could fly the Boomers’ bomber.

I love everything about Raul, although I had said that ghouls shouldn’t be common. Raul had lived near Mexico City before he mutated so I need to come up with a new ghoul-like mutant. I just don’t have any ideas yet. I’ve come to a writer's block trying to think of an alternative.

I need to change ED-E’s backstory since it involves east coast Enclave. Perhaps if dr Presper was ex-Enclave then he develops the X-03(Hellfire) power armour. This would be why ED-E comes from the east. Who knows why he was sent to Navarro, maybe Presper’s followers assumed it was still running.

I also think ED-E shouldn’t be cloned to be in Lonesome Road. I think you should have to have ED-E to start Lonesome Road. Either that or he follows you there without you realizing.

And you’d be able to customize him using the Fallout 4 automatron system.

I mentioned in the Fallout 2 section that the Cassidys should be referred to using first names so as not to confuse the two. I wouldn’t change much else about her.

I wouldn’t change much about Boone, except maybe that he stops riding the NCR so hard. Realistically after an incident like Bitter Springs someone would resent the people that made them do that.

I would just let you tell her about Christine after Dead Money, otherwise she’s good.

You should be able to convince Arcade that Legion good since you’re able to convince Lanius that Legion bad. Otherwise he is great.

I wish Rex being Caesar’s old dog was more of a big deal. You should be allowed to bring Rex into Caesar’s tent and give him back to Caesar. The King would be pretty upset though. Maybe you could show Rex to Caesar but not give him back. If you did that then you’d be attacked. Maybe Caesar could give more info on Rex, maybe he even has a different name for Rex.

I think everyone feels like Lily was under-developed. She just needs one marked quest. I don’t have a good idea on what her quest could possibly be, I’m thinking something about bighorners. Also perhaps after finding the cure to nightkin mental disability, Lily no longer has her pill dilemma since she can’t see Leo anymore and she remembers her grandkids.

Benny is awesome. Why does everyone crucify him? You guys are psychopaths. There was a mod that allowed you to find Benny after helping him escape the Fort. I thought that mod was great. It would be great to work alongside Benny to gain an independent Vegas. Of course he’d betray you, but he’d play the long con. At the end of the game in Hoover Dam, in the room where you can remotely activate the securitrons under the fort, Benny would show up and betray you. You could talk with him for a bit and perhaps you can talk him down. You could initiate combat which would start an epic boss battle, he’s been preparing for this moment. You could talk him down in two ways, tell him to get lost, or tell him to fight alongside you.

After telling him to explore the wasteland, he would come with you on your journey back to the Mojave. There would be a quest to show him the wasteland. Show him different landmarks, fight a deathclaw, fight a cazador. It would be awesome, I love Follows-Chalk.

You could take Roxie to the Mojave with you. ‘Nuff said.

I don’t know enough about Ulysses’ original implementation to be certain of this. I’m just thinking he could be in the game the way he was originally, but right before the end he tries to take you and ED-E to the Divide for some reason. Something like that, I don’t know how he could really be done well. Maybe he joins you on your journey to his temple. Along the way he vaguely refers to what happened here and indirectly talks about you being the cause. At his temple he betrays you and explains everything. This could potentially be a bad idea but in my head it sounds cool.

There are some factions I wish would fight alongside you at Hoover Dam if you go out of your way to ask. Great Khans, BoS, Kings, Van Graffs, and the Strip families. It might be excessive but that’s the point.

Caesar’s Legion
Make the sexism more subtle. Rely on slavery and crucificiton a bit less. Just make them more appealing like Sawyer wishes he did.

Add tons more content, like a town or two in Arizona, more side quests, make their questline longer, make joining them more rewarding.

I think you should be able to satisfy these guys in the independant ending. If not for their slide then the independent route would be perfect.

Pregame Story
In 2224, Kimball was elected as president of the NCR and decided to convert Hoover Dam into a military outpost. He had to evict every citizen. He did this because Caesar’s Legion was expanding too quickly and was nearing the NCR border.

The BoS in New California were almost definitely defeated and the Mojave chapter may be one of the last chapters left.

Main Game
Since ghouls are extremely rare now, I’d need to change the Bright followers. They’d be ghoul-like mutants created by being around the rocket stuff for too long.

Harold would be somewhere in the game. Perhaps he’d be helping out the FotA in Freeside. Would people even know he helped cure the New Plague? If so then he’d probably be famous and given special treatments by both the FotA and the Kings.

There should be a way to spare Mr House and still do an independent ending. I know you can leave him in his tube but that’s not what I mean. I like him but he’s in the way. You could talk to Yes Man about it before removing House, Yes Man would suggest uploading his consciousness into a securitron and reprogramming him to not be able to think about the Courier aggressively. It would be an extra step out of the way but it could be fun. Yes Man would have to help you do it too, although Yes Man would be passive aggressive about the whole thing because he thinks it’s better to just take House out of the picture.

I’m fine with talking down Lanius but it should be more like the Master where you also need to show some sort of proof to convince him. Maybe you have to learn things from Graham and Ulysses (Sidenote: Wouldn’t it be cool to have Ulysses and Graham to assist at Hoover Dam?) to talk Lanius down. Maybe you get Yes Man to make some blueprints for a trap or something and then show it to Lanius and say the NCR made it. I’m just spitballing, I’m not sure what could be done differently.

There should be post-ending gameplay.

Dead Money
I’d just make it so Dean actually makes it to the Tops after the DLC. Maybe the new Dog tries to contact the Courier after the events of Lonesome Road, it says that’s when he next hears of the Courier during the credits.

Honest Hearts
I don’t know what to do here. I just don’t like the current questline. It’s just one massive fetch quest. There’s a mod that replaces the whole DLC, I haven’t played it yet but it seems cool. If it’s actually lame then I guess I’ll have to put up with the current DLC.

It would be cool if you could convince Joshua Graham to assist in defeating the Legion at Hoover Dam. He’s probably moved on though, now he just cares about the Zion tribes. At least that’s how he would feel if you spared Salt-Upon-Wounds. Maybe Graham would see fighting the Legion as a way to let off some anger if you let him kill SUW.

Old World Blues
I think you should be able to complete the DLC without your brain, spine, or heart. If you choose to.

You should be able to upgrade Roxie and Rex with parts from different cyberdogs in this DLC.

You should be able to fix Mobius up some then bring him back to the Think Tank.

Lonesome Road
I already covered my idea for Lonesome Road under Ulysses in the followers section so I’ll just copy and paste what I said: I don’t know enough about Ulysses’ original implementation to be certain of this. I’m just thinking he could be in the game the way he was originally, but right before the end he tries to take you and ED-E to the Divide for some reason. Something like that, I don’t know how he could really be done well. Maybe he joins you on your journey to his temple. Along the way he vaguely refers to what happened here and indirectly talks about you being the cause. At his temple he betrays you and explains everything. This could potentially be a bad idea but in my head it sounds cool.

There are some mods like the Someguy Series that I’d want added into the base game. I need permission from the modders though. The Frontier looks promising but the Legion is somehow in Oregon. And the winged snake drug addicts seem really out of place. We’ll just have to wait to see how good it ends up.

Fallout 3+4
I’d combine Bethesda’s Fallout 3 and 4 then rename it to something else. Perhaps something about the Institute? It would be on the east coast and the maps would be much smaller. Some of the locations would be the White House, Institute of Technology, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Far Harbour, and other places. Most places would be in an overgrown forest, a nice change of scenery from constant desert. You would play as a human waking up from cryo sleep in a vault, you would see flashes of memories but you wouldn’t remember any specifics. I don’t know what year it could take place in, sometime before New Vegas.

All of the creatures in Fallout 3, 4, and 76. Remove the deathclaw, radscorpion, centaur, floater, and mutant hound. Rename the molerat to the naked mole rat or mutated gopher. Scorchbeasts would be endgame enemies. The lore for the F76 cryptids would need to be changed.

Add snakes, raccoons, moose, large bird creatures, iguana, and pigs. I can’t think of more right now.

There are also creature mods with cool creatures, most of them aren’t very lore friendly though.

No Enclave or BoS armours. That means only T-45 and T-51. Unless the Institute’s power armour from the concept art is implemented. I-1?

I don’t know what to put here if I’m being honest.

A lot of the Vehicles from Tactics. A truck. The Highwayman. Maybe a train?

I don’t know why but I really like Butch. His background would need to be different, or at least his relation to the player. Maybe Butch is the gateway to the vault 101 questline.

Charon is a pretty cool guy. I don’t know what could have mutated him into what he is since ghouls are extremely rare. I didn’t play Fallout 3 that much and I don’t think I travelled with Charon much. I don't know what to put here.

Codsworth would greet the player after they leave the starter vault. He wouldn’t have any personality at first. You could find a personality chip to give him. He would just recognise the player as his master and could join them if they want. The player’s character wouldn’t recognise Codsworth. Codsworth could be customized with the automatron crafting system.

I don’t think there’s much I’d change about Piper. Maybe I’d make her sister a little older but that’s it.

I think Cait’s companion quest was poorly written. You take her to some vault and sit her in a chair that cures her addictions. She could’ve just taken the in-game drug that cures your addictions. Maybe the quest could instead be about righting her wrongs through charity or something.

I don’t know what I’d rename the dog to. Bacon? Anyway, I’d combine the F3 and F4 dogs then make them more interesting. Mama Murphy says Dogmeat was his own owner or something. Nick Valentine is friends with him but doesn’t own him or anything. I think the dog should be a celebrity or guardian angel of some sorts. If the dog just drifts and makes friends then clearly it’s more intelligent than the average dog.

Nick Valentine
I’d make it so Nick isn’t connected to a 50’s mob larp group. And he isn’t kidnapped at the beginning of the game, he’d be sitting in his office. He’d still be an android detective and maybe he’s a little 50’s themed. And Kellogg should take Nick over at certain parts of the story if you kill Kellogg and do that thing. Nick Valentine’s companion should be different, either the guy he’s looking for has been dead for a long time or just make a different quest.

I’m thinking Strong could be a nightkin. Now I know, super mutants shouldn’t be on the east coast but I have a good idea for it. I’ll explain it more in the factions section under Institute. So Strong would be a runaway courser searching for the milk of human kindness. He believes the milk could give him the strength to finally take revenge upon the Institute. You could try explaining what the milk of human kindness is, or maybe your character doesn’t know. Either way you could help him search for the milk which would eventually lead to him drinking some brahmin milk. He would think he’s stronger and due to placebo he would be. He could be gloomy because of what the Institute did to him until you find the milk which would make him overjoyed.

Instead of killing Kellogg you could team up with him. Besides your character doesn’t remember anything that Kellogg did, all you remember is his face. I just think Kellogg is cool. Kellogg would be the Joshua Graham of this game, he’s the strongest companion but he drives people away from you.

I’m copy and pasting some of this from posts I made on NMA.

Along with the BoS, Enclave, rad scorpions, and deathclaws, I would delete super mutants off of the east coast. However, I still really like the friendly super mutants of Fallout 3 and 4, so what I'd do, is I'd have them work for the Institute.

"Why are they working for the Institute?" you ask, because they are a part of the new courser program, made up of really strong slaves. "How did they get these super mutants?" you ask, well when they were first testing out their teleportation technology, they accidentally teleported to the west coast. I'm not quite sure how a fuck up like this could've occurred, maybe there was a facility that had similar tech to what the institute was using and some signals got mixed up or something. Either way, they're on the west coast now, and there are these massive green dudes, why wouldn't you want them to work for you? This would also be how they recruit Kellogg. Maybe Kellogg is fighting a deathwatch or something, maybe that's how he got his scar, but he would win and then the Institute would try to get him to lead their military of coursers. Some more coursers from the west coast could be an NCR ranger, Enclave soldier, or a BoS soldier.

So if it wasn't clear, Strong is now a courser.

The Institute would still replace people with synths, but so as not to look like we're ripping off Wasteland, even though Fallout is a spiritual successor of Wasteland, we'll call them androids. They would only replace people who hold some sort of power, or are in control of some resources, so mayor McDonough would still be an android, Art would not, 'cause who the fuck is Art? He's not important to the Institute in any way. There'd still be some paranoia over androids though, just slightly less.

Androids shouldn’t be so easy to produce though. The Institute would need to kidnap their target and use them as reference. Like when you make a painting you need to see your subject. The materials required to make an android should also be harder to come across so you can’t just make fifty in one day. It should take more than a minute to make an android, otherwise the Institute could just make an army in one day.


The actual Institute would be much bigger than it is in Bethesda's version. There would be different divisions, similar to what's already in the game, but there'd be the science division, the residential division, the market division, etc., every division would be massive, the center is just there to serve as a hallway. There'd also be ties to Mr House here considering this is where he graduated from. Maybe a lot of the technology is built using RobCo as a base, maybe there are protectrons here and there, maybe sentry bots, whatever else there may be.

Finally, Shaun would not be your son, this is more of a retcon to the story than it is the Institute, but the game would start with you waking up from the cryo-chamber. You wouldn't be able to remember the people, or robots, in your pre war life, you would however be able to choose what you used to be. You wouldn't be able to recognize Codsworth, it's okay though, because he's just a household robot who has no sentient emotions. After entering the Institute, Shaun would pull your leg a bit and say you're his father/mother, but he would later reveal he's your father because you're an android. Depending on your relationship he could try to shut you down and you'd have to destroy the code or something, or he would embrace you as his child instead of parent, because you act nothing like his real parent.

Secret Service
I liked John Henry Eden, he's my second favourite radio host of the series, and I guess that's the only reason I like him but whatever.

He would just be a robot with a brain CPU, not necessarily a robobrain or a think tank scientist looking dude, but something. He would've been made by the government before the war, alongside many other robots, to staff the White House and Pentagon if they were to ever be left empty for a term. John Henry Eden is the acting president while the White House is vacant of a real one, and every term that there's no presidential candidates he gets the other robots around the White House to hold an election for him. You could show up and become a candidate and become the president of the United States of America if you wanted, but you'd have to get on the other robots' good side.

Anyway, Eden would be in charge and want some piece of Project Purity, he'd want to restore glory to the former U.S.of.A., and more importantly he'd know where Liberty Prime is. Liberty Prime could be the disputed resource, people would be trying to figure out how to get him running and how to get him on their side.

Maybe Eden could offer to fund Project Purity if you help him out. They would basically fill the gap of the Enclave.

Mercenary group
This could be one of three, or even a combination of the three, factions from Fallout 3 and 4. The Talon Company, the Regulators, and the Gunners. They would fill the gap that BoS made. Their goal is money of course, they don’t care about project purity or the Institute.

I know I know, Minutemen bad. However, if we just give the Minutemen an actual reason to replicate the 1700s group then they could work. It’s like Caesar’s Legion and the Kings have a reason to replicate old world icons. The Minutemen could like larping because the 1700s Minutemen were well respected and fell out of service after their services were no longer needed. I think their name needs to be changed though, as it stands it’s very uncreative. The Leather Boots? The Musketmen?

Presto Gravy man wouldn’t just make you the leader after you help him out. He’s the leader and he’s busy and whatnot. Maybe Bacon(the dog) is an honorary member of the [Muskymites?].

The [Moonmen?] wouldn’t be nearly dead, Presto’s team would just be in distress. Diamond city, or the city that may replace it, would be under [Mightymonk?] control.

They could exist but they wouldn’t be a major faction because they are poopy.

I’m pulling most of this out of my ass and making it up on spot so don’t expect it to be that good.

You would start waking up from a cryo pod. The player doesn’t know yet but they are an android who replaced Shaun’s parent. Shaun wants to know what his parent would do if they had lived. Unfortunately Shaun forgot to, or was unable to, give the player all of their memories. Codsworth would greet the player outside the entrance of the vault. Codsworth recognizes the player as his master so he follows you. You could tell him to go away though.

Codsworth would tell the player about Shaun and Kellogg, and if the player wants they could pursue that even though they don’t remember. Codsworth would insist it’s important but the player could insist they don’t care. If the player decides to pursue then they’re directed to Nick Valentine. Nick Valentine would help investigate in the same way he currently does. However you could skip Nick and go straight to Kellogg if you knew where he was.

If the player doesn’t care, or if it’s along the way, then they could go to the nearest town to figure out who they are. At the nearest town, the [Milkymints?] and the mercenary group would be in a conflict. You could help one side if you want. Bacon would be fighting the mercenaries. Resolving this conflict would lead to joining a war against the Institute.

Kellogg would be aggressive but be willing to talk. The player remembers Kellog’s face but nothing else. Kellogg would think you’re a vengeful parent until you tell him you don’t remember having a child. If you spare Kellogg then he could take you to the Institute, if you kill him then the story would take you to the Memory Den. Nick doesn’t need to be there, and neither do the scientists that control the Memory Den. You could try to figure it out yourself with a robot or something. Instead of Kellogg or the Memory Den you could find a courser and kill them. Looting the courser could give you the teleporter.

Once in the Institute, Shaun would tell you that you’re his parent and you can’t remember because it’s a side effect of cryo sleep. If you join the Institute he’d tell you that you’re actually just an android but he still loves you or something. You could destroy the Institute by yourself or you could get another faction to help out.

The Institute has their eyes on Project Purity, you could learn this from Shaun. If you destroyed the Institute then a group of survivors go on a railroad radio show where they talk about the Institute’s plans. You could listen and learn about Project Purity yourself or someone else could tell you about it because they think you should know. If you sided with the mercenaries then you might already know about Project Purity.

Project Purity is being overseen by the mercenary group who were paid to protect the project. The mercenaries are also preoccupied with the Secret Service who are interested in Project Purity. You could help out one side or fight with a 3rd party. The Secret Service are in possesion of Liberty Prime, you could learn about this through many different ways. You oculd reprogam Liberty Prime to fight for you or have the Secret Service use him to fight you.

I haven’t played any Fallout 3 DLCs so I can’t talk about them. I’ve played Far Harbor and I think it’s good how it is. I also played Nuka World and I think that maybe it could work if they just make it not themed around nukacola. I just can’t see a world where they make a theme park for pop.

I also think some Fallout 4 mods could be good enough to be included in the base game. I haven’t played Fusion City or its many sequels but they seem cool.

I don’t know how much of this is good and how much is bad, usually after writing down an idea it takes a few days before I see how bad and cringy it is.

I think I could potentially tie in fan-games, however I haven’t completed any of them. Even if I did complete them, they may be better off being their own thing. Plus I doubt anyone would actually let me make their games cannon. Well that’s pretty much it for now. I’d love for formatting help, criticisms, suggestions, and even your own version of each game. Even an original game if you want. Have a good day/night/morning/evening/afternoon/weekend/holiday/life.
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Alright I read through the whole thing and I have a few criticism and some thoughts.

1. I disagree with making Fallout 2 take place 50 years earlier. The big appeal of the sequel to Fallout
2 was seeing how much the world had advanced over the past 80 years. You went from having places like Junktown and Shady Sands to New Reno and NCR. The culture shift, the remnants of the mutant army integrating, and all that other stuff would be lost.

2. Ghouls don’t need to be Necropolis/Reservation exclusive entirely. You don’t need to be that strict, just make it so that those two places are hotspots of mutation, with sporadic mutations still being possible elsewhere, like Raul.

3. If V13 was full of enclavers, how would you get in? You mentioned wearing the power armor but by this point in the game you don’t have any yet. It goes V13>San Fran>Navarro (where you get the armor)

4. I’d like to here your opinion on all the IRL weapons of Fallout 2.

5. Make cybernetic implants available somewhere for Lenny. Maybe in Vault City (if you do the whole peace treaty with them and Gecko) or NCR. These implants will be replace his joints and reinforce his spine, making him faster and stronger. Also better at shooting
For your two placeholders, I have name suggestions: John could be called “DAX” (Directive Assistance eXstension) and Jose could be called....Eriksen?
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Alright I read through the whole thing and I have a few criticism and some thoughts.

1. I disagree with making Fallout 2 take place 50 years earlier. The big appeal of the sequel to Fallout
2 was seeing how much the world had advanced over the past 80 years. You went from having places like Junktown and Shady Sands to New Reno and NCR. The culture shift, the remnants of the mutant army integrating, and all that other stuff would be lost.

2. Ghouls don’t need to be Necropolis/Reservation exclusive entirely. You don’t need to be that strict, just make it so that those two places are hotspots of mutation, with sporadic mutations still being possible elsewhere, like Raul.

3. If V13 was full of enclavers, how would you get in? You mentioned wearing the power armor but by this point in the game you don’t have any yet. It goes V13>San Fran>Navarro (where you get the armor)

4. I’d like to here your opinion on all the IRL weapons of Fallout 2.
Well thank you for reading it all, and the reason I think it should be set 50 years earlier was because it felt like an unnecessary leap in time. Even the developers said so in an interview.

And as for the ghoul mutation, my idea was that it could be exposure to radiation after it seeps through a specific material used in bunkers that causes ghouls. And Raul lived out in the country before the war, I don't mind him being a ghoul I just don't know how he could've turned into one. Maybe he had a makeshift family fallout shelter or something.

The Enclave soldiers could be talked to and convinced to let you through. I also had said I think you should be able to defeat the Enclave before getting the GECK if you wanted. This would be a way to get Enclave armour before entering Vault 13. Though after thinking about it, having a vault full of enemies all dressed in power armour in a mid-game location might not be the best idea.

And as for the guns I don't know. I guess I don't mind it. I just don't know enough about, or have enough interest in guns to make a solid statement on that.
Well thank you for reading it all, and the reason I think it should be set 50 years earlier was because it felt like an unnecessary leap in time. Even the developers said so in an interview.

And as for the ghoul mutation, my idea was that it could be exposure to radiation after it seeps through a specific material used in bunkers that causes ghouls. And Raul lived out in the country before the war, I don't mind him being a ghoul I just don't know how he could've turned into one. Maybe he had a makeshift family fallout shelter or something.

The Enclave soldiers could be talked to and convinced to let you through. I also had said I think you should be able to defeat the Enclave before getting the GECK if you wanted. This would be a way to get Enclave armour before entering Vault 13. Though after thinking about it, having a vault full of enemies all dressed in power armour in a mid-game location might not be the best idea.

And as for the guns I don't know. I guess I don't mind it. I just don't know enough about, or have enough interest in guns to make a solid statement on that.
There’s a GECK at the Oil Rig already, maybe your character just grabs it on their way out
There’s a GECK at the Oil Rig already, maybe your character just grabs it on their way out
Funny thing about the GECK, but I once added a GECK to my PC's inventory and had them return to the elder just to see what would happen, and (predictably) the developers did not even add a joke reaction... no support for returning with a GECK. :(


Not in favor of any changes to Fallout 1—aside from engine updates from Fallout 2.

*And of course it goes without saying... never accept any non-ISO/TB Fallout game as legit, with perhaps with the singular exception: FPP area examination as per KOTOR.

KOTOR let the player drop into stationary FPP view to examine an area close up, but even this goes against character dependent play, unless a perception check stripped items and details not noticed by the PC—kind of like Might & Magic did IIRC.
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