
Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO

Is it a thing? Or just hype and all talk? Will intelligent AI and robots actually make humans obsolete at some point, or is it just like any other technology that was described as the doom of mankind - at some point people thought that trains are a bad thing, beacause some believed at such high speed (Puffing Devil, average speed 2.4 mp/h!) your head would explode

So, yay or nay!? Are we heading in to the apocalypse :D? Is Siri or Google on their path to take over the world?
It's just a somewhat novel way of moving the robot, so far. Artifical muscles have been under development for quite a while, it's really cool to see some progress there.
AI is an entirely different beast. Neuronal networks are becoming quite creepy these days, but we're still quite safe for a long while.
Making humans obsolete? Well, no, not in the "Terminator" sense. I think at some point mankind and robotics will merge and be indistinguishable. Fully biological homo sapiens will be obsolete, but that's what evolution is for.
its nice to see that we slowly abandoned piston based arm system and emulating human myofibril. think it like ironman vs nanosuit
It's just a somewhat novel way of moving the robot, so far. Artifical muscles have been under development for quite a while, it's really cool to see some progress there.
AI is an entirely different beast. Neuronal networks are becoming quite creepy these days, but we're still quite safe for a long while.
Making humans obsolete? Well, no, not in the "Terminator" sense. I think at some point mankind and robotics will merge and be indistinguishable. Fully biological homo sapiens will be obsolete, but that's what evolution is for.
Yeah, but it makes an interesting phylosophical question. Our next relative, biologically speaking, is the ape. And when you look at how we as humans treat a species that we see as inferior, how will the human of the future treat us?

We really live in a very interesting time period so much is for sure! We probably won't live long enough to see it all happen, or where it will become even close to a real threat to us, but we are far enough to see the (possible) potential. Imagine artificial AI, machines or genetics in 100-150 years from now. I very much doubt that trans-humanism will simply pop up from one day to another, it will be a I guess, a gradual process. So there will be a point of transition. And when this transition has lead to the post-human or advanced human or improved version of us, or what ever you want to call it, how will they act when it comes to the inferior specimen ...

However, I don't think that any of it will REALLY lead to doomsday scenarios for humanity, but when you're looking at how technology has changed the people just in the last 20 years, like internet communication, computers and such or compare that to a human from 100 years ago, there really is no say what genetics or artifical intelligence will do in 150 years! It's almost tragic, we can see the potential, but none of us will probably live long enough to see the full potential. Just like the people that invented the first air planes, havn't been around to watch the moon landing, but where they could imagine the possibility.
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