Rock-It and baseballs


First time out of the vault
I saved up my caps and bought the schematics for the Rock-it early on since ammo was supposedly so hard to come by. It worked really well, but I couldn't always find my ammo afterwards.
So I had this idea to only use baseballs since they are easy to spot.
There are a ton of them in the Library but my Rock-it is so busted up I haven't been able to try this out yet. Also, I just found out that there is a light on my freakin' pip-boy!
The pip-boy light... is mentioned in the *mandatory* (dammit) tutorial.

Teddy-bears are easy to spot :), and theres a location where you can find like 15 of them, if you haven't found that yet.
What about darts? I always find packs of 20 of them but have never tried using them.

Also, I wish someone would put together a list of all the schematics already so that I know what junk to pick up and what to leave. I just picked up an ink well! Wtf am I supposed to do with an ink well?