Rocket launcher trouble


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I have a problem with the rocket launcher causs when ever I use it it fires, hits and NO damage what-so-ever...

How can I fix this, and I have tried to replace the .pro file with no sucsses...

Note: All other explosive weaponry works corectly...
I don't think I've personally ever heard of that happening. You got any mods installed?

My first suggestion would be to back up save games etc and uninstall/reinstall. Cuz that's just weird. ;p

Well I have ALOT of MOD´s but none that I use...

I think the problem lies in that that I MOD my self but I havent tampered with the weapon...
The rocket launcher is one of those protos that has a different PID number stored inside than its file name. Its PID number is 13 but the proto file name is 00000007.PRO. If that file exists in \data\proto\items then delete it (or from wherever you have your master_patches set to in fallout2.cfg). If it still isn't right it might be a save game issue, you may need to delete save games that stores the changed proto. As long as the engine doesn't find 00000007.PRO anywhere but in master.dat, it should revert back to its original settings.
Additionally, if it matters...

Explosive Rockets are PID 14
AP Rockets are 37

I don't know though what the actual file names are (or if they differ like the launcher) as I haven't done much with items as of yet -just figured the ammo might make a difference too since they contain damage modifier info and such and I recall a couple of "Ammo mods" floating around out there.

WraithUV said:
Explosive Rockets are PID 14
AP Rockets are 37

The explosive rocket also has a different PID number than its file name. Explosive rockets are 00000008.PRO. It is annoying how some (and only a handful) of the items have these numbering mismatches. These ones with mismatches obviously had changed from their original position. They could have fixed that with a simple hex edit of the item proto to match the file name but they didn't.
I´v solved the problem...

The problem was that the rockets had an error
messege on the DR modifier "tag" so the
ammo did shit in damage...

How simple some things are when you look at
the problem from another side...