I know what you are probably thinking.
Get your mind out of the gutter.
When it comes to computer based role play, it seems girls are more into the fantasy based while guys are more into post-apocalytpic and other possible genres.
NOTE- Fantasy does not mean "Hey babe, how about you get to be the French Maid and I get to be the butler."
Rather I am talking more along the lines of- women are more likely to play Baldur's Gate while guys might play Fallout.
Is this true? Why?

Get your mind out of the gutter.
When it comes to computer based role play, it seems girls are more into the fantasy based while guys are more into post-apocalytpic and other possible genres.
NOTE- Fantasy does not mean "Hey babe, how about you get to be the French Maid and I get to be the butler."
Rather I am talking more along the lines of- women are more likely to play Baldur's Gate while guys might play Fallout.
Is this true? Why?