RP 2.3.3: Vic's trapped door


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I'm thinking of starting an ironman character and I'm fretting over the bomb behind the door of Vic's in Klamath. How much damage does it do if it goes off? Enough to kill a level 2 or level 3 character?

If what I'm reading is right, I would need to get my Traps skill to 100 to maximize my chance of safely disarming the trap - and that's just not realistic.

Of course I could steal Aldo's Molotov cocktail (I'm against stealing from humans generally, but I might make an exception in this case) - but if I make repeated attempts to steal from him (and fail every time) could he (or anyone else in town) turn hostile?

Or should I just ignore the Elder and do everything non-Viccish in The Den, Modoc and The Ghost Farm first?
The trap should do 20 points of damage in maximum.
As long as you don't get caught, you can steal as many times as you want from a NPC without turning him/her hostile.
My characters are always ironman, and they all disarm the traps(there's 2 on the door...) just fine. And I never put any points into trap skill... You should be more worried about using dynamite in the rat tunnels.