Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Chris turned the interview into a conversation by adding comments from some emails we've exchanged. When I received the interview I commented on his answers, sent the file back to him, asking if he wants to add anything. He said yes, didn't seem offended at all, but changed his mind a month later.Per said:Of course, by including the unanswered comments in the finished interview, you also demonstrate that you think they have value in themselves, not just as requests for clarification that never came. And that's debatable.
I posted the interview with those unanswered comments because that was the conversation we've had, and had I removed anything, even the unanswered parts, it would have changed the original discussion. I presented it as is, simple as that.
Nice selective reading skills. He also said "instead". Missed that one?Yes, he said "just text". I wonder why that might have been?
Are you in a mind reading business, by any chance? Once again: MCA: I'd also like a lot of dialogue options be represented visually, instead of described.. Think about it.What MCA is saying here is basically, "Oh, I'd do talking heads", and you triumphantly come back with, "Aha! Then you can't write well enough!"
You don't think that "role-playing is acting a role" comment could be interpreted as "I have no clue what I'm talking about"? Just curious.You don't think the Quake comment could be interpreted as a malicious dig?
Basically, a developer said something stupid (*gasp*). A better person would have pretended that it's not stupid, continuing worshipping the ground the developer walks on. Because I'm not a real journalist (*gasp*), I told him what I think. Frankly, I'm pretty sure that he can handle some criticism, and that every now and then someone should challenge any developer's beliefs, but maybe it's just me.
I have no fucking idea, but unlike you, I don't have any mind reading skillz, so I took the comment as is. He said what he said, and as we all know, Chris doesn't have any problems with them words, does he?Do you think he'd say an RPG "allows you to act out that role", then go on to seriously say that this does not necessarily mean having "the means to do so"? In what way would that make sense?
Hard to say. I was impressed with his work on PST, was disappointed with that crap called KOTOR 2, and wasn't too impressed with some of his answers.I suppose that depends on what you think about him in the first place.