RPGCodex on a fact-finding mission

Emil:"When Todd and I first started prototyping VATS, we played other real time games like Call of Duty and Halo."

Oh, my gawdddd!!!111

Even though they clear that up a few sentences later, still wowzas!

It reads like a parody.
The Mass Effect preview was way nicer than this. I don't like it, besides being boring.
Its gonna be a tides of "something" for bethesda this times. Or they just stopped signing press-checks?

Yeah, and whats the big deal with 'The Father'? or 'Why did he left'?
Well, may be he caught up a schizophrenia or may be he just wanted to have a piss and picked a wrong door - there are plenty of variants!
No wonder, if Beths are working on the second one.
The idea of a gang fits perfectly well into the vault concept and goes to show how good Bethesda is at designing things.

Bethesda is leet!!! OMG!!! Go uber-designers of the uber-great company!

Wait, where are the facts it's based on? Oh riiiiiight - in the future (of a parallel dimension)...

The feature is essentially a more detailed version of the combat system in Knights of the Old Republic

Imaginative and innovative! Two thumbs up.

What will be next? They'll say that postapocalyptic atmosphere is original and never seen before?
That article is so drenched in sarcasm, you have to be a robot not to understand it.

Funny, as always, but I'm getting a bit tired of these articles coming from the Codex. Yes, we know that Bethesda is a dodgy company and that Fallout 3 is probably going to be a failure. The Codex style of 'reporting' is humorous, but is it really necessary to devote an entire article to this? Aren't there more worthwhile subjects to write about?