RPGDot article: Remakes


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The new RPGDot has published an article that may be of interest: "Remakes - The Case for Recreating Older Games." Though the article doesn't explore the concepts extensively, it does cover on the idea of recreating older games while preserving the elements that made them memorable. The article also touches on how sequels can fail by diverging from the original games.<blockquote>If we’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s that sequels should stick to the original gameplay or simply not exist. As much as we enjoyed Doom 3 here at Jolt for what it was, Doom purists found themselves confronted with a game that simply didn’t resemble the original in any meaningful way – so much so that a mod was made converting the original levels and gameplay to the impressive new engine. If the likes of Deus Ex 3 is to succeed, for instance, then surely Eidos’ best chance is to forget the ill-fated Deus Ex 2 and go back to the formula that made the original so well-loved.</blockquote>With the state of things, it can be hard enough to even get older games to run, much less play them.

Link: Remakes - The Case for Recreating Older Games at RPGDot.

Spotted on GameBanshee.
The same is often true for movies... especially movies like Poltergeist. Just look at the god-awful sequels that came out of that.

But then there are the Indiana Jones films.

I think that as we see computer games emerging as a respected artform in the next 10 years or so, we'll see fewer sequels like Doom 3. Right now though, franchises are what secure the biggest profits. I guess this is true of movies too: Pirates of the Carribean and Harry Potter as examples. It's interesting that the games industry has E3, but no equivalent to the Academy Awards or Cannes. It seems that computer games and movies are regarded differently/approached differently in terms of Hype vs. Prestige. I think that will eventually change, but who knows when.

Will there be a computer games Academy Awards soon? I hope so.
I would love to see a remake of Wasteland, or an open-source client for it that updated the graphics. Surely it can't be that hard to do? (I'd do it myself if I could code)