RPGWatch reviews Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
RPGWatch is the last of the inner circle to review Fallout 3, lowering barrages of criticism against the title before giving it 4/5. txa1265's review is a read-worthy 5-page piece, but for those looking for a more bite-sized chunk, look at Corwin's review.<blockquote>Something else they have never done well is creating living and breathing unique NPC’s. They are improving, but still have a long way to go. Many of the females, for example, look (and sound) very similar. Perhaps there were very few original survivors, so after 200 years of in breeding that could be expected. Nowhere is this limited palette more obvious than with minor characters like Raiders where 2-3 templates seems to cover them all. It’s a small improvement over Oblivion, but still, something of a disappointment. Why does every vicious dog have to look the same? Did only one breed survive? If variety is the spice of life, then it should be an integral part of every game.

One of the Hallmarks of the original games was the dialogue which was usually clever, witty, sharp and full of often dark, wry humour. Unfortunately, as someone who has played almost all of Bethesda’s games going back to Arena, this too is something they don’t do well. Their writers are at best competent, but there is little of the sparkling brilliance we have come to expect from a Fallout game. Most of the dialogue is pedestrian and some, when trying for humour, makes one want to cringe. I’ve seen high school students write better stuff. The conversation Skill checks are great, but the options, especially the ones using Intelligence are frequently pathetic and display more a lack of intelligence than a surfeit.

By now, you’re probably thinking I hated the game, but you’d be very wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed it for what it was. I just wish Bethesda could learn to improve in the areas in which it has always struggled. We all know what they are really good at and we see those strengths throughout the game, but why can’t it improve more in the areas it has always been weak? After all these years they should have gotten better than they have.</blockquote>
The longer review is indeed well worth the time, even though I don't agree with the score (3/5 would be my score).
4/5?! Way to sell out, "RPGWatch."

I bet they didn't EVEN shoot holes in their swag, either.
Subliminal Calculus - Too Much Fun

Subliminal Calculus - Too Much Fun

RPG Watch: 4/5 = 4 out of 5.

In standard percentages 4/5 = 80% = 80/100 = 80 out of 100.

Do I suspect a hidden statistical machination, a subliminal calculus, in scorings when 4/5 is presented and not 80%?

Is 4/5 a warm and fuzzy gesture, and less the calculus of control, the 2 + 2 = 5 of double think?

Is a simple 80% analysis too rude and crude an estimate?

80%: Not the established convention for this style of professional page filler?

I am content with reading through the review's 5 web pages.

txa1265 said:
I don't want the review to end without restating just how much fun this game is to play. And that is what I call the 'silver lining' - there are loads of problems and places where the game falls short, but you will keep coming back for more. Sometimes you will groan out loud at the dialogue and writing, other times you will get frustrated waiting for the VATS system to play out or annoyed having to reload after dying due to a wonky moment with the FPS system. But you will come back...again and again. Because despite the flaws Fallout 3 is a pretty good game that is quite engaging and loads of fun to work through. ...

Morning after, the reviewer stated had a good time - - and had met and bested the 'meta' challenge --> completing the game! <--

How often have we all been there? Having to force a path back into a computer game. txa1265 says it was worth maxing his suspension of disbelief.

After the integrating a swarm of competing vector spaces,
4 out of 5, a warm and fuzzy of fading specifics, a total of ''too much fun'',
a whole experience greater then the sum of it's flaws.

You know, seems like a whole lot of work for txa1265 to write all this oblique praise. Too much like 'character building' labor then honest entertainment.

Old song about " too much fun " ...
Wright and Knight said:
Blue lights flashing in my rear view
The sheriff said Boy I should have known it was you
You got 14 people in the back of this truck
I warned you twice and now I'm writing you up
I said officer what have I've done
He smiled and said boy you're having too much fun

Too much fun whats that mean
It's like too much money, theres no such thing
It's like a girl too pretty, with too much class
Being too lucky, a car too fast
No matter what they say I've done, well I ain't never had too much fun

There was a fight Friday night at the Stumble Inn
Me and old Harley just had to join in
Next thing you know we were both seeing stars
They threw us out, closed down the bar
I said the Long Branch is open, the nights still young
and we ain't never had too much fun

Too much fun whats that mean
It's like too much money, theres no such thing
Its like a girl too pretty, with too much class
Being too lucky, a car too fast
No matter what they say I've done, well I ain't never had too much fun

Im a holy terror, a tornado
wind me up turn me loose and let me go

Too much fun whats that mean
It's like too much money, theres no such thing
Its like a girl too pretty, with too much class
Being too lucky, a car too fast
No matter what they say I've done, well I ain't never had too much fun

No matter what they say I've done, well I ain't never had too much fun
Give me the reins and let me run
'cause I ain't never had too much fun


... has FO3 broken the "ain't never done" barrier?

How do these sites justify a statement like "Great graphics." FO3's graphics, when placed against any other modern game released in the past 6 months, look like ass. Plain and simple.

Games like MGS4 and GoW2 show amazing animations and facial graphics, while FO3's chars look like zombies on strings.
RPGWatch said:
Any 'litmus test' you might have for whether a game is 'RPG enough' will pass when applied to Fallout 3. Complex quests? Check. Choices with consequences? Check! Skills and attributes that matter in quests, dialogue and combat? You betcha!

But does any of it matter?

Quests: He argues (in regards to The Family, referencing The Power of the Atom) that the quests are simplistic, with a single solution which is OBVIOUSLY right, disregarding all deeper questions about true morality. I find, that if I've decided to play a good character, that I must walk along Bethesda's prelaid route, performing the actions that they deem karmatic regardless of my personal philisophical disagreement. Deviating isn't much of an option. Even if I reject the downs-syndrome VaultBoy's judgements, my dialogue options are ridiculous. I eventually resigned myself to the fact that my character was a "Good ole' boy, not too bright, but don't mean no harm!" while the rest of the wasteland residents had become retarded thanks to the radioactive water.

Choices with consequences: I have no idea what he's talking about. The only consequences are...

Skills!: Sure, there were a few dialogue options to play with, and I did eventually decide to boost Speech - but what it largely boils down to is a difference in caps or equipment. This isn't roleplaying, it's cheating your way through the game - do you kill everybody for the XP? Do you steal everything for the loot? Or do you Speech everybody for the extra caps? Maybe I'm wrong, and it would be an entirely different game if I played it another way, but I'm not getting the sense that my skills matter - they just dicate my course through the game. They're about as meaningful as choosing 'Fireflower' or 'Tanooki Suit'. The results are the same, the story is the same, and the ending is equally dissapointing.

rcorporon said:
How do these sites justify a statement like "Great graphics." FO3's graphics, when placed against any other modern game released in the past 6 months, look like ass. Plain and simple.

Games like MGS4 and GoW2 show amazing animations and facial graphics, while FO3's chars look like zombies on strings.

I think their argument is that the vistas are spectacular. Ignore that everything is brown and grey, or that the animation is poor, or that the scenery is repetative; when you're staring over a bluff it is a unique picture (if not particularly authentithic). The quality of the art (in this context) is excellent - but great writing does not a great novel make. Other elements are necessary, as well. Just look at Margaret Atwood...[/b]
I agree that 4/5 is high. But based on the reasons I stated in terms of the non-RPG elements (things that actually kill much of the RPG focus), I also thought it better than 3/5 - especially in the context of the review scoring guidelines.

I also say that you guys are taking too much out of context for the sole purpose of complaining because you've decided we 'sold out' based on the score. (Wait - sold out? I paid for my copy, RPGWatch is self-supported and us staffers get nothing at all ... so how does that work, anyway?)

Example - I checked off the 'RPG-ness' factors, mainly to show the contrast with Oblivion, which I have called an 'action game with RPG-lite elements' in my reviews. I then turn around and spend loads of words showing that although there are things like skill checks and 'choices with consequences' it is all hollow and unsatisfying.

Perhaps that should have earned it a lower score - but the choice I made was that I couldn't separate out the 'score as a RPG', 'score as a Fallout game', and 'score as a gem in general'.

So I basically ignored it in the context of the Fallout franchise - because at its' core it isn't part of that series. As I state from the start - it is 'Oblivion with Guns', but with many more RPG features.
Personal Perception

Personal Perception

txa1265 said:
... because you've decided we 'sold out' ...

If txa1265 is basing this perceived attitude on this succinct commentary ...

Bodybag said:
4/5?! Way to sell out, "RPGWatch."

I bet they didn't EVEN shoot holes in their swag, either.

then I believe txa1265 does not see Mr. Bag's preeminent contributions as 'counter point' to the rhythms of the NMA forums.

Not to speak for the distinguished Mr. Bag, ...
txa1265, his pejorative about T-shirt ballistics was an allusion in your favor
and part of the prized double edged wit that I anticipate when he posts.

Me? I was riffing on the fudging of numeric value judgements: do most see 4/5's as half full and 80% as half empty?
4/5 appears like a superlative.
80% in these Nex Gen days of 110% exultations, might be more a testament to the hard work necessary to play 2008's GOTY then any marketer would wish to be known.

Flashed back on wild nights out, "too much fun", depicted in too many coming of age movies, where limping home by sunrise with no serious injury was a win.

So goes my suggestion for the RPGWatch review's lead out sound track ... when you release the big screen version.

Yeah, Bodybag just did his usual thing, which is making a parody of what he thinks is the main opinion of NMA. He stopped contributing to this forum in a serious way months ago, and now he's sometimes funny so we just let him be. Never occurred to me some readers could take his posts seriously.
Main Media's Heroic History

Main Media's Heroic History

Popular renditions of history spin toward the heroic. Short version platitudes that foster myth building / propaganda.
So goes the 'major' media mouth pieces. The 11 out of 10 scores.

It's the secondary sources that take the time to approach the truth .

The longer road attempts an analytical view point.

There have been a number of analytical dissertations here at NMA ,

BN's @ http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=47192

and Vince's, @ http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=47347

and Per presents a portal to a ""critical thinking compilation"" @ http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=48461

And if txa1265 pardons my Codex referencing, I include Section8's @ http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=183

For lulz, B-soft got the Codex's most improved award. text @ http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=181
jpg @ http://www.rpgcodex.net/screenshot....codex_awards_2008_most_improved_developer.jpg

The snow has stopped here, so I need to try and shovel out. Will cut this short(er).

If txa1625 has the time to scan through these and other thoughtful writings, he may find more measured agreement
then many propagandists / marketers may wish to acknowledge.

One of my posts actually gets a featured reviewer to register on the forums and post (AGAIN) and you have the gall to marginalize my "contributions" (in the same thread?!).

This is how keyboards get flipped, people.