Russia attacks Ukraine

I heard it was all fake. All the explosions were filmed on a green screen in downtown Moscow.
I can see on discord lots of zoomers masturbating thier nazi flags with the Ukranian units so I don't feel sorry for some of those assholes.

Professional Paratroopers ftw. everyone is watching you
I feel fairly confident no matter what happens it will not impact my life beyond the gas prices (yet) so I am glad Europe did not take things seriously so they can worry about something besides COVID and water rising.
My favorite part are the eurofags trying to talk shit about OH US DONT DO ANYTHING US WEAK har har har, and then they realize oh fuck we're responsible for ourselves now.
My favorite part are the eurofags trying to talk shit about OH US DONT DO ANYTHING US WEAK har har har, and then they realize oh fuck we're responsible for ourselves now.
That really is the best outcome. Stop depending on NATO so much would be a huge takeaway from this and I guess the UN is just kinda a thing that exists to tell people they don't exist.
Due to global supply chains, I am sure this is going to cause consequences that reverberate throughout the global economy.

Guess Putin really did need war with Ukraine to hold on to power and the Russian people will pay the price for the economic sanctions.

Blame Yanukovuc who was playing both sides yet catering to none. He should of did the right thing like Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia. They knew Putin was a ruthless power monger.
I have an idea


I mean, why the fuck not State Department?

That's what happens when the government is run by someone like Kamala Harris. The government is the fucking DMV.
What are those guys doing there? I think if I was there I would shoot the guys on the other side and use their dead bodies as a bridge to walk over that tiny gap.
They are taking a nice picture for the camera for attention, so that the antifa-nazbol-islamic tards that aren't even in their own homeland can be rounded up in the meantime and dealt with while everything returns to normal and people can go on youtube and make videos about eating in eastern european restaurants.
Why are you still filling your head with that bald retards brain droppings? I'm not saying he is wrong it is just not healthy. You never even finished Twin Peaks which is much more important.
Because I need to know what his millions of NPCs are going to be up to so I can avoid/counter the stupidity while i keep my finger on the puss.
Why are you still filling your head with that bald retards brain droppings? I'm not saying he is wrong it is just not healthy. You never even finished Twin Peaks which is much more important.
CIBIL WER!!!! I heard he starts going on a rant about antimatter weapons for some reason.
You don't need to watch his videos for that. You can predict it due to me knowing what he was going to say before I even clicked (I am not smart) that video then he just started saying the same shit I heard him say a thousand times before acting like he is not part of the problem.