Russian Igromania Plays Fallout 3

13pm said:
*Jet and psycho are in. You can get addicted to them. Addictions are cured by local doctors.

OK it's possible that Jet made it to the East Cost past the thirty years. But curing addictions multiple times? Like I can get addicted and ALWAYS be able to drop the habit in about few clicks in a dialogue window? Now I understand why they banned this in Australia.

13pm said:
*They say that all the towns in previous Fallout games looked the same. Bethesda wanted to create towns with their unique souls and they say that each town differs from the others.

I think they mean the buildings textures, that are somewhat repetitive. But nonetheless each town (at least in Fallout 1) had it's charm.

13pm said:
*Bethesda's praising NPCs AI. Every NPC is doing something like cleaning, walking, they have their own schedules. Bethesda say that it's not that they've changed Oblivion's AI, they just enhanced it with animation.

So basically, it will be the same shit with new animations and dialogues options. Great.

13pm said:
We do not want to simplify things, we are doing a game with a hardcore gameplay. As fans for fans".

God. Damn. Liars!!!
Ravager69 said:
13pm said:
We do not want to simplify things, we are doing a game with a hardcore gameplay. As fans for fans".

God. Damn. Liars!!!

Not necessarily, they could just be incompetent about the fans desires or they could actually think the game is not a simplification of the original fallout.
To me, having NPC's that actually do something other than stand around or walk back and forth seems like an upgrade over the first Fallout's... In the originals, they would wander the screen popping a chat bubble every so often...I don't see how actually giving the NPC's schedules and abilities and actually having them do something is a downgrade.
As fans for fans.
I noticed they didn't say 'Fallout fans'. I really don't think they mean Fallout fans, but rather Bethesda fans. They've pretty much proven that they don't actually give a shit about fans of Fallout. All they care about is the lowest common denominator and fans who will ooohhh and aaahhh over whatever Bethesda decides to do.