S.T.A.L.K.E.R. starting back up

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. appears to be slowly moving out of vapourwareland. THQ reports a new video on factions can be viewed on THQ TV and does a short writeup on said factions. A bit:<blockquote>Stalkers are the Zone bounty hunters. They are daring souls that venture inside the Zone facing severe radiation, the anomalies as well as aggressive mutants and numerous other threats, to scavenge the area in search of artifacts. Stalkers are effectively marauders as they sell the artifacts found in the Zone to earn their living. A dangerous penny to earn and many stalkers never return from their expeditions. Those who are able to survive find their own way – either stay a lone wolf or join a community of other stalkers sharing similar values as their own.</blockquote>Link: GSC sheds light on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. factions on THQ
I'm mostly indifferent to the fate of that game, vapourware or not.
with all th cutbacks in role playability it is nothing more than a hyped up post apocalyptic shooter.
So you duty, monolith and mercenaries are agains stalkers and that includes the player if im not mistaken.So it leaves only a choice of joining the duty , freedom or beeing a loner? If thats the case not much of an option but still better than nothing.