SA reviews restricted area = fun


First time out of the vault

Absolutely priceless. Come on, just read it. maybe it is frontpage worthy, i don't know.

At a Glance: "Gamer's Pulse" describes Restricted Area as one of the "Top 10 Most Wanted RPGs." awards it an 82% rating, claiming "The core gameplay works like a charm, due to well thought out game mechanics supported by a superb interface." proclaims "Restricted Area seems to take the best parts of several of my favorite games and puts them into a single product." So what's the lesson to be learned here? Never visit any of those websites, as they're all run by sociopaths who have suffered extensive brain damage resulting from a nearly fatal fall off a haunted hayride.
Hehe. Great fun to be had reading there.

That game sucks too.
Absolutely priceless.

I love cyberpunk and the whole post-apocalyptic scene. I dig ChemLab, love "Blade Runner," and played Wasteland until my Apple IIC overheated and charred the drapes.
That quote alone makes me like this reviewer :)
Suicide Candidate said:
Absolutely priceless.

I love cyberpunk and the whole post-apocalyptic scene. I dig ChemLab, love "Blade Runner," and played Wasteland until my Apple IIC overheated and charred the drapes.
That quote alone makes me like this reviewer :)

well man,on the internet there is no man more loved and more hated than lowtax.
Now GameSpy reviewed Restricted Area. They gave it 1/5. I guess GameSpy ain't so bad after all. Here's a quote:

GameSpy said:
Restricted Area could have nicely filled the underused niche of the sci-fi action-RPG, but the bugs, boring level design, and tedious pathfinding combine to make the game a miserable chore. Sadly, the game's official online forums were taken down after being flooded with complaints, about as sad an indictment as you can get. Even if you see Restricted Area in a $10 bargain bin months from now, think twice; I didn't pay anything for my copy and I still feel ripped off.
Ratty said:
I guess GameSpy ain't so bad after all.

Yes they are. They just don't give a shit about independant developers, so they can smash them as much as they want
mmm plus, I wonder if gamespy saw somethingawful's review and just tried copying that.

But Kharn is right. The people who made restricted area would never buy adspace on gamespy so they can feel free to chew it to pieces.