Sale: Big Box Fallout & Fallout 2

Not to insult your judgement, but are these games even worth selling?

I mean, you can get them online for as little as $15, I think I may have even seen $10 somewhere. To compete with that you would have to be selling them for almost nothing, which begs the question - is it worth it?
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Not to insult your judgement, but are these games even worth selling?

I mean, you can get them online for as little as $15, I think I may have even seen $10 somewhere. To compete with that you would have to be selling them for almost nothing, which begs the question - is it worth it?

Hell Yeah!

Of course you can get versions of FO online for cheap, but you can't get the original boxset for so cheap. A good condition copy with all of the junk that came with (manual etc) should be worth lots! Maybe $50.

However, that is all a bit condition dependant. As much as I'd like an original copy this is just a little too tatty for me.
Simply to satiate my own curiosity, but how much would one be willing to pay for a near mint copy of Fallout PC US/Big box?
Of course you can get versions of FO online for cheap, but you can't get the original boxset for so cheap.

Actually, I don't think it's the original version. I recall that one having a different box.
I've already bought these games twice, which is stretching it, according to the wifey :)
I've got the box which is near perfect, and the manual and contents in mint condition. And I even have the original strategy guide for Fallout that is a bit worn. These things I just could not give up, not for less than $200 maybe. Even then, I doubt I could part with it!
The game box along with the game and materials are a work of art to me.

It's the first thing I'd probably grab out of my room if there was a fire, it means that much.
Hotel California said:
As much as I'd like an original copy this is just a little too tatty for me.
They suffered a bit yeah... I was stupid enough to try to remove that stupid sticker on FO1 (it shouldn't be glued directly to the box though, stupid idiots).

Ausir said:
Actually, I don't think it's the original version. I recall that one having a different box.
There were several box versions.

Goweigus said:
i got plenty of money to waste
slap that those things up on ebay and see what happens!
I might. However, I don't have a credit card and never had any intentions to get one either...
A Fallout 1 Big Box in good condition with all the stuff (Ringbook manual etc) often goes out for 100+ US$.

Lord Elden said:
Goweigus said:
i got plenty of money to waste
slap that those things up on ebay and see what happens!
I might. However, I don't have a credit card and never had any intentions to get one either...
You need a credit card for ebay? I don't know where you live but around here a bank account is all you need. PayPal is helpful and a must for international stuff.
Yeah don't fall for the whole credit scam thing.
That takes money from those who don't have it and gives to those that already have it...

The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer without the rich doing any work.
Username said:
Yeah don't fall for the whole credit scam thing.
That takes money from those who don't have it and gives to those that already have it...

The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer without the rich doing any work.

Or if you ever want to buy a house, a car or have your children to go to college, in the US life's all about your credit score
Actually a debit card works just fine with ebay. You just link the card to your PayPal account and you're set, with no fees except for the currency conversions.
You need a credit card to be able to use *paypal*. Yeah, I checked several times, that's how it works here...

The games are gone though. Happy fallouting.