Save-Load System


First time out of the vault
From all things i want to see in fallout 3, at the first place is Better Save-Load System.I really hate those moments in falllout 2, when you loose a hand or leg and you dont care because you load the game...or when you save with quick save during the battle... or when you make a mistake in conversation with NPC and just load the game without any bad effects.This is ruining the whole feeling of the game(well not the whole but a big part).You think of a Sulik not as a combat friend, who saved your life many times, but as a person who has made you load the game 100 times, because of his stupid death.
I agree with you on the save load thing abuse. In the conversation thing, you didn't have to load, you just press 0 and it quits the conversation as if you had never talked to him.

Now if Sulik bothers you, shoot him yourself. I've never had any companions except Dogmeat. And he didn't die too easily.
I'm perfectly happy with being able to save at any time. I'm used to comfort provided by most PC games. I hate it when I have to collect stupid things like crystals or, worse yet, save only at specific spots in the game. Reloading a hundred times is much better than replaying half of the game a hundred times.
I know what you mean ratty. Like in AvP 2 and Final Fantasy. I HATED it how you had a limited amount of saves/spots. Now, what game do you have to get crystals for? The only one I know like that is Resident Evil.
Didn't you have to find save crystals in Chrono Cross, or was that just in specific areas? Only game I can think of off-hand.

Personally I like being able to save whenever I want to, as overall it leads to a lot less frustration. It does feel like cheating sometimes, but the fact is most people are going to reload when serious screw-ups happen, even if they do have to replay from a half-hour back.

As for Fallout 3, maybe something as simple as a logbook detailing all your injuries would keep people from reloading after getting critically hit - ie "Sept 13, thumb blown off by a raider", "Sept 24, took 3 bullets in right leg, couldn't walk for a week" - that way when you beat the game you could look through it and be awed at what a tough bastard your PC was. For conversation screw-ups, I can't really think of anything - you just have to resist the urge to reload and play it through.
I didnt mean that kind of save system.I ment something like Montez idea.But that will be a half solution.I have benn thinking about this problem since last year.And I spoke with others.I can surely say that there is a solution.But it will change the gameplay a bit, thats way im not gonna tell my ideas - they just wont work in fallout.So i want to hear if anybody has figured out how to avoid the save load shit.
there should be a constant save system. like an MMORPG, always saving. Incase you screw up a conversation, o well, good luck next time.
Maybe you should have the ability to Save anywhere except when you are in combat? I would like it if when you saved there would be some randomness associated with the positions of npcs or enemies so that you would be discouraged from prepping in a particular spot for combat.

It seems as if the old-style save/load was tedious and too mechanical (yawn). There really needs to be something to punish the casual saver.
Just put in the "toughguy" option... just modify it to use some certain places like "You can only save in towns that are neutral or friendly... something like that..." <- This is not an idea that should be really noted by anyone..

Some simple option for those who dont wish not saveloadsaveload all the time...
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I think at the very least they should have a limited save option. Maybe each town or location allows you two saves per visit. That would really make it interesting.
There nothing wrong with the save system. I've played through fallout 2 several times just saving when I was done for the day. This lead to great moments like Sulik saving my characters life and several hours of gaming by taking out a enclave encounter almost on his own and other not so great one like when my 4 party members were wiped out in a single random encounter and having to wipe out a few cities cause of starting a fight. The problem with the save system is with you not it.
Kilus said:
There nothing wrong with the save system. (...) The problem with the save system is with you not it.

I agree with that. If you don't like it, don't use it and play in tough guy-mode. I hate games that have save-points and other stuff, because I hate playing large chunks of the game over and over again because I don't have the ability to save where I want. I didn't finish lots of games because of that.
I perfectly agree with Montez. Only i wish that such brutal injures as cripple leg or torned eye should be... shall we say - "repairable".
Imagine that a raider makes such injure to you - then you should be able to go to(for example) BoS camp in San where they have technologies that can heal you, or seek some realy expensive doctor who can operate you. But the trick is that such help will cost much time and many bucks, so you can be quite sory for what happened to you.

Now you'll say - why not load the game? Because, you REALLY shouldn't be able to save during combat, so when you just experienced half-an-hour combat you'll just have to deal with the pain and seek help somewhere, limping and humble...

Also not saving during combat makes the prevailing in it quite a pleasure !!! Remember BG? It feeled fucking great ! :P

P.S. There are hundreds of windows up there, why don't you check 'em out ?
One thing you don't want to do is limit saves for the first time you play. If your first run was spent hiding and crouching while constantly looking behind the next corner, you won't be very enthusiastic about replaying the game, or even about any exploration beyond what you believe to be safe.

Autosaves are crucial, as we all know today's resource-intensive games are prone to crashes and freezes.

I'm all for customizable saving system (with mandatory autosaves before leaving every location).
I think that how it was allready said the system is good, how often you save the game it's up to you... In FOT you have the option of tough guy where you can only save outside the missions... And as for injured legs or eyes, or whatever, just use the doctor skill with the doctor bag with a good doctor and you'll be in your feet in no time!! ;) No need for loading!
Limiting the ability to save seems like the poor solution of making a game more difficult. Perhaps by removing some of the randomness that plagued the previous games would be a better way to lower the reload impulses. More explicity, they should change the way Steal works, since I imagine that was a cause of many a reload. Since it was basically all random, with the risk of having to fight an entire town if you failed and with no feedback on your chances of succes, the only sensible way of approaching it was saving first and reloading if you failed. By making skill checks in general less random, you could probably address this problem in a far better way than by limiting the ability to save (naturally, there should still be some element of randomness in the skillchecks, Luck being the L of SPECIAL after all).

Not being able to save in combat seems like a good idea though. Also, if saving and reloading feals like cheating to you at times, the solution is very simple, avoid doing it. Personally, I want more saves, especially auto-saves since I'm terrible at remembering to save and often have to replay large areas because I wind up dead. Having two auto-save slots, one that saves when you enter a new area and the other with a timed interval (set by the player, or simply turned off) would be more my cup of tea.
I agree completely with Azrael, in Fallout 2 I stole just about everything I could, especially in San Francisco, after I found out I could buy that shiney set of Power Armor and that M72 Gauss Rifle and THEN steal my money back from the shopkeeper!

I reloaded and saved and reloaded thousands of times, I was like the PC the female Vault Dweller talks about in the Cafe of Broken Dreams!

But I also think a "Tough Guy" OPTION would be neat; like someone said the ability only to save in a city or in a particular part of the city (hotel, maybe?)... Other methods of increasing difficulty by making it harder to save detracts from the casual gamer, who believe it or not, will outnumber the hardcore fans playing the game.
I agree. The answer to fixing the save/load system is to remove the needs for power reloading. Such as the CNPCs leveling up. I hated to reload 40 times just to get a level up where cassidy, vic, marcus and sulik level up at the same time. Also the steal business is flawed. Purse stealers (real world ones) generally avoid people that look alert and that have good reflexes. They prefer clueless types. You should be able to make some inferences from the persons you examine (another good use of PE would make the game harder). Also high speech and intelligence and charisma could to a pseudo-psycological (sp?) evaluation of the person you are speaking to. The fallout system can be beefed up quite a bit without making it unplayable.