Limiting the ability to save seems like the poor solution of making a game more difficult. Perhaps by removing some of the randomness that plagued the previous games would be a better way to lower the reload impulses. More explicity, they should change the way Steal works, since I imagine that was a cause of many a reload. Since it was basically all random, with the risk of having to fight an entire town if you failed and with no feedback on your chances of succes, the only sensible way of approaching it was saving first and reloading if you failed. By making skill checks in general less random, you could probably address this problem in a far better way than by limiting the ability to save (naturally, there should still be some element of randomness in the skillchecks, Luck being the L of SPECIAL after all).
Not being able to save in combat seems like a good idea though. Also, if saving and reloading feals like cheating to you at times, the solution is very simple, avoid doing it. Personally, I want more saves, especially auto-saves since I'm terrible at remembering to save and often have to replay large areas because I wind up dead. Having two auto-save slots, one that saves when you enter a new area and the other with a timed interval (set by the player, or simply turned off) would be more my cup of tea.