I'm not saying that everything overly violent glorifies it, far from it. Example: Oliver Stone's "Natural Born Killers" is a movie that shows Violence in a purposely glorified way, in order to show how crazy a society that glorifies violence is. Another similar example is Kubrek's "Clockwork Orange".
But as for 'Saw', I see it like this: by showing a serial killer who slaughters people inorder to test their morality, it somehow places the killer above morality. Also, by alowing this killer to escape unharmed, and having those who are trying to bring him to justice only get killed, that makes the killer, the guy doing all the evil, wicked, violent things, glorified. As far as I'm concerned, it'd be a far strech for anyone to say that 'Saw' doesn't make the serial killer look undefeatable, and it's hard for anyone to say that by making him undefeatable, it doesn't glorify him.
Also, I think it'd be a far strech to say that 'Saw' isn't overly violent. The guy saws his own foot off with a hack saw and a woman has a reverse bear trap about to rip her face open. That sounds pretty damn violent to me. Blood is blood, gore is gore, and you'd be hard pressed to find a mainstream movie with an
R rating that is more violent than 'Saw.' Again, not that that is a bad thing.
However, I won't deny that I think it's a pretty okay movie. Granted, from the technical aspects of it (camera work, editing, lighting and sound) it's fairly unorigional and boarders on cleche', but the story has some good ideas, the lines were fairly well written, and the acting was good. But the movie is good for one, more important reason, that being that we're talking about it. Any movie that has the power to stimulate conversation and get people arguing is a pretty good movie on that fact alone. Also, when I saw this movie, it pissed me off. Litterally, watching it made me angry, and I also believe that any movie that can provoke serious emotion (unless it's anger because the movie is so bad) is a good movie. So overall, I'd have to say that 'Saw' was a good movie that I absolutely hate.