Say something positive about the USA

"Currently, we’re facing a crisis with devastating economic, social and political effects,” Potsdam-based Johan Lilliestam, who leads the Energy Transitions group at Germany’s Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, told Yahoo News. If Germany’s gas supply continues to falter, key industries — such as chemical, fertilizer and glass producers — could collapse, Lilliestam said. Consumers are already being slammed with higher energy prices, and he worries that if gas shortages were to continue, countries would be tempted to hoard it, fraying European Union cohesion and damaging the single EU market."

I guess I am glad the US is not dependent on Russia for oil/gas. Sure we go begging the arabs for oil but one day we will go and beg for oil and put a knife in their throat on the way out.
The only crisis Germany is going through is one of self mutilation.
Greenies and Professional Politicians, backed by Russian money, have ensured that Germany never went real green energy and was deadlocked to energy insolvency intentionally. Just remind yourself who has been militantly sabotaging Nuclear Energy. Also do ask yourselves if modern iterations of wind and solar energy actually amortize their building costs in the first place.

This whole hole is further exacerbated by the misuse of coal. Here is a modern day chemical factoid for you; Coal is actually too valuable to burn. It's actually an incredibly valuable feeder-stock that can be used to produce multiple dozens of key components (of modern day manufacturing) and at the very end, end up with coal gas for your "waste" product, giving you the 3rd cleanest energy source for electric generation .
Iceland will become the power plant of the future. PPP, People power providers will build Geo Thermal plants and pipe energy to all of Oceania. Mini Sun reactors will make energy for all industry. Coal will be pressed to make coal tar soap and diamonds for dentists drill bits.
In the slow lane airships will criss-cross the Atlantic Ocean full of Fiscal Fascists and flappers fornicating freely.

CCP crushed cockroach proteins will become the new ' Soul Food ' gourmets will order tempura roachies topped with nasturtium leaves
in a coal tar sauce with crunchie coke bits.

So America using the long view of history will save the planet (The West) East Asia and Eurasia will burn rubber in an attempt to spoil the fun.
Arkansas is famous for the inbreeding Clintons you moron. Use the internet next time to be more funny.
Arkansas is literally the state everyone knows for inbreeding. Even Oklahoma jokes about it.
The best thing about the USA is it made Fallout.


That is also the worse thing.
Aww fuck, I did feel a bit sorry for her. I have too much empathy/sympathy even for rich people. Except that rich wizard, he's a cunt lol
Which one? Oh THAT one. He called me a douchebag. I take offense to that since I am actually a huge asshole. We are friends though. I like Rich. He lives in the US. +
No, I called you a douch. Also, I live in Texas. USA is a neighbor.

Aww fuck, I did feel a bit sorry for her. I have too much empathy/sympathy even for rich people. Except that rich wizard, he's a cunt lol
There's that annoying Limey! I hear you like Monty Python. OK I'll unblock you, on a probationary basis, for Python and the Queen.
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