Scenery stuff and such...

Demonslayer said:
I guess Continuum is the guy to make the sexual encounters in New Reno (or in Fallout in general) viewable
Nah, just from time to time I like to make some brutal art to reflect (in visual way) the reality of post-apoc world. The worst human instincts out of any control. Is hardly to find anything like that in Fallout.
Just wow.

The graphic guys from Bis are pussies compared to you Continuum! :D
Imagine Golgotha with your art instead of the original ones...
Last gore-ish thing. I don't want to be named Contie the Impaler :lol: It's a male (to give the same treatment to both genders ;)).


Here's a compilation of all scenery pieces for custom grounds posted through last five pages:

GRDSCX09-18 (from left to right)

I also added a linkie to this post in OP.
i like that.

with van buren we have maybe the most documentated not realesed game ever. With more gys like you and a good organisation maybe some day.... oh forgot about it i just think lodly. :wink:
with van buren we have maybe the most documentated not realesed game ever. With more gys like you and a good organisation maybe some day.... oh forgot about it i just think lodly.

Nice in principle, but will probably never happen.

Besides, anybody whose read the design docs would know what to do anyway! So most of the surpris would be gone.
Continuum said:
Here's a compilation of all scenery pieces for custom grounds posted through last five pages:

GRDSCX09-18 (from left to right)

I also added a linkie to this post in OP.
Nice. Very intelligent. Why the gore thingies are not actually involved? (Yes, I just found the spoilers, silly Lizzie)

Anyway, what about some greenery set now? Or half-greenery? Or dead, fucked up trees brutally raped by post-nuclear nature, leastwise? I'd say original graphics is kind of poor here.

Mr.Wolna said:
i like that.

with van buren we have maybe the most documentated not realesed game ever. With more gys like you and a good organisation maybe some day.... oh forgot about it i just think lodly. :wink:
Also, anyone sane who really red the DDs probably know that he'd end up like Muffie - defeated by the only Tibbets Prison. On the top of it, I honestly don't see a 3d support of Stupid Fucking Retarded [1] engine.

[1] Fallout 2 engine :mrgreen:
How nice is to build a map in PS! :ugly:


Anyway, each tree has its own separated, ground shadow. So, you can merge with "main" object into one, or not use a shadow at all, or use both: main and shadow (as Flat scenery). Tyranny of choices :ugly: Of course, there's no ready to go FRMs, so you must convert/align Frames Offset.

Renders are not cropped. So, without any problems you can create, at the same time, main and shadow in the same orientation to blocking hex, to keep the same amount of AWFULLY designed/implemented/whatever highlight feature on both.

Gronichonha !
I 've made the mountain transition floor for A type one.
I think I'll start my test mod with our floor my friend.
I've another idea for other type.
Do you want ( I talk to the brotherhood of NMA) i share this
transition floor?


Brother soifran

Hmm. Bigger mountains... this is inspiring me.

Btw. you really should use thumbnails. Your image breaks the whole board width.
Good job, Contie. Is this a promise of something big? Like Contie's Greenery and Dead Trees Stupid Fucking Retarded Engine Uberpack MK XVII.? :lalala:

And good luck to you, Bro' Soifran.


I and Zob (one of the good BGE'rs) are actually turning one of the BGE load/ending screen makers to a normal ingame stuff Contie like slave :D; check this:

First looks pretty good, second is a bit strange- the water.