ScreenGrabs Game


Confirmed Retard
Rules are simple Guess the game/movie the above ScreenGrab is from and then post your own.
Original ScreenGrabs are strongly encouraged
let's start off easy.

idea credit goes to @TorontRayne
Off the top off my head that looks like Opposing Force...but I am probably wrong. Or is it Halflife 2? Fuck it. Blurs together in the brain stew that is my mind.


Here is one in the meantime.
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Another easy one...
half life 2 looks far better than that tbh. its just base-game half-life.

is that duke nukem forever?

Nope it was my modded LP of New vegas. :)

That skin is from Duke Nukem Forever.

Guess you can do another one or whatever.

And this is why we never do this. :) I'll look for the old one for fun.
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is it any good? looks horrible.

It's a fun little road trip simulator. As you can see the graphics are minimalist. The screenshot is actually of a bug, he's not supposed to be on the post like that. Thought it looked funny.