Screw GTA 4


Vault Senior Citizen
Mafia 2

Theres already a cool trailer and a number of screen shots out. If this is any where near as good as the original, I'll be a very happy man indeed! It's being made by the same developers, so this could be brilliant.
Wow, cutscenes.
They must be completely representative of the in-game play.

I am now completely sold on this game.
No need be a dick head, anyway, this should be exciting for those who enjoyed the original, several of which are on this board.
I liked the first one quite a bit, so I'm pretty psyched about the sequel. There really aren't enough games set with the old 30s wiseguy theme, and most of the ones that are aren't very good (I can only think of two). Dunno about that screw GTA 4 business though.

Edit: Actually, it looked kinda 50s to me now that I think about it.
When I first played Mafia, I didn't like the way the cars handled, so I didn't play for more than a half hour. Hopefully, they won't start immediately with a chase scene.
you cant really tell much about the game itself really... i'll just hold my judgement for now (since most of Maffia 1's flaws were things you couldnt see in screenshots and trailers)
Well if its graphics are anything to go by, it could kick ass in that respect but the original Mafia wasnt too hot to trot.
I loved the original Mafia, and am cautiously optimistic about this one. I do hope they fix all of the first games' shortcomings.
Mafia 2 multiplatform... 2K Games is behind... not sure about it.
I liked a lot Mafia, but I think that this one is going to be consolized.
Well it's the same people who did the original mafia (dunno if it's the same team though), but I'm sure they learned from their mistakes..

I can't wait, I'm all for the greaser setting, hehe.
The Godfather game was a nice diversion for awhile. I would definitely rent that game if you like that setting.
I prefer Mafia far more than GTA, which I believe is fairly uninteresting, but that is more because of my taste. Mafia would be one of my best games, ever. I have said GTA is crap in comparison before, but they are trying to do different things.

I also fear that they might dumb things down, but if it is the same team and they can fix the numerous bugs of the original, there is a good chance that it will be great.

The late 40s-early 50s is indeed a great setting for this.