Scripting a new PipBoy


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
So with @Sduibek working on that Fo1 to Fo2 conversion project, there is one thing that annoys the hell out of me: We can't simply bring back the days-left note to the PipBoy. This got me thinking...

... why don't we script a new PipBoy interface?

Technically it should be possible. As I've already posted in the past, I scripted myself a custom sleep / resting menu:


The same technic - but enhanced - should be sufficient for a new PipBoy. We have to disable the interface button + the hotkey and instead trigger the new script which allows us to do whatever we want (within engine limitations). The only thing that wouldn't work the way it did before is the automaps- they would need to be static images, as we can't read what area of a map the player already visited (at least as far as I know).

Additional features for the PipBoy would be possible too- not just the old days-left paper note, but also stuff like the old broken notes/journal(?) button or hell, even PipBoy expansion hardware like in the Van Buren concept (whatever this could be).

This is just throwing ideas around, though, if I had a much bigger expertise when it comes to Fo2 scripting, I'd try to start this thing right away.

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* Keep the screen saver.

(It does sound neat, and interesting; and could perhaps incorporate the scanner? The scanner was so underused.)
Yep, that's the idea. The only other way to handle the days-left note would be to refresh the interface like at least once per frame (or maybe it's enough to do this everytime you click on the interface... no idea) - but this probably still ends in the note appearing to flicker.

I'll doubt animations can be done, though. So the screen saver would be a problem.
The Clue feature for the Pip-Boy could be done like a regular notebook, entering whatever you want on various entries like in Google Drive or a text file.
I've never actually seen this screensaver, how long do I have to wait for it to appear?