Scripting/Mapper questions

Continuum said:
Does anyone know what exactly that GetRection (and shit connected to it, like LevelToReact, BottomReact, and shit) does? It's attached to talk_p_proc (and its sub-procedures), but how exactly it's influencing the dialogue? Isn't the reaction already pre-defined, like here?
giq_option(blahblahblah, blahblahblah, blahblahblah, blahblahblah, 49)
giq_option(blahblahblah, blahblahblah, blahblahblah, blahblahblah, 50)
giq_option(blahblahblah, blahblahblah, blahblahblah, blahblahblah, 51)
In some scripts it's even not referenced (whole, or parts of it)... is this something important, or something I can delete without breaking something... or maybe it's working, like ammo modifiers in Fallout (which means not working at all)?

Thanks in advance.

AFAIK, reaction is a system that had very little impact in the game. GetReaction is called before dialogue is started, so the NPC determines his/her reaction to your character, changing it depending on your karma, reputations, titles (e.g. slaver), Charisma, gender, etc. A value of reaction is established, which reflects terrible, bad, neutral, etc. reactions.

You can use this if e.g. you have three different greetings for an NPC (e.g.: "Hello, nice to see you"; "Hello, stranger. What is it?"; "You're not welcome here, leave."). You can set up conditions to display these lines depending on this NPC's reaction towards the player.
Then, you can modify this reaction value during dialogue with the functions giq_option(), raising it, lowering it or keeping it neutral. This way, when you start the dialogue again, the NPC "remembers" that you pissed him off, or something.

However, in the great majority of scripts in F2, you don't even have those varied reactions - so the Reaction system is pretty much insignificant.
I saw some dialogues work like this in Klamath (Sajag is a good example), if you want examples.

In Mutants Rising, we don't use the Reaction system at all (except maybe talking heads, because it influences the mood of the head).