Sean Pings Fo Dev Profile


Carbon Dated and Proud
We have a new Fallout Developers Profile for you guys and gals, this time around it's that crazy Sean K. Reynolds that pops in for a quickie, here's a snibblet:<blockquote>Tell us a little about your role in the making of Fallout 1/2/3 (Van Buren)/Tactics ?

I had nothing to do with the creation of Fallout 1 or 2. For Fallout 3 I started out as a designer when they cancelled Jefferson. Eventually JE Sawyer was so impressed with my phat ping-pong skills that he made me lead story designer for the game, which let him focus on the technical aspects (interface, game mechanics, etc.). As story lead I managed the overall story and continuity, wrote several areas, and beat the other designers into submission with my special Fallout ping-pong paddle, nicknamed "Duck and Cover."</blockquote>To see some more of Sean's "burning wit," go here...
Link: Fallout Developers Profile - Sean K. Reynolds
That's easily the worst dev profile. Too bad SKR couldn't be bothered to take it more seriously.

Not that my opinion of him was high, but it's even lower now.
I feel a little sorry for him over the whole "ping-pong" thing, but him overplaying the joke doesn't really inspire sympathy.
He did start taking it slightly more seriously towards the end tho'.
Well even asking him for a profile is not taking yourself serious, its all for laughs.

Actually we didn't ask him tho, but I was told by another Fo dev that he had forwared it to Sean. Which was ok by me.
I found it funny as hell actually :D

It could have been worse as a goodbye to the Fallout community. I wish him the very best in his new projects, away from the Fallout world.
Oh well, he kind of stretched the ping pong thingy too far, but we should he take us serious when we didn't take him serious?
Briosafreak said:
I found it funny as hell actually :D

I agree

Ok, ok, so he didn't take it seriously, who cares, it's pretty damn funny.

See it as the black comedy relief dude. Every feature needs one.
Bobbin said:
Oh well, he kind of stretched the ping pong thingy too far, but we should he take us serious when we didn't take him serious?

Maybe he shouldn't have tried to act as someone's metaphorical bodyguard and go running to the defense of Interplay when BIS was pretty much axed, using that he and others still had their job as some kind of validation that BIS wasn't dead despite most of the core talent leaving. That is why the ping-pong references were made.

Try to keep up.
Kharn said:
I agree

Ok, ok, so he didn't take it seriously, who cares, it's pretty damn funny.

See it as the black comedy relief dude. Every feature needs one.

Comedy and relief, yep.
You know, this is way off topic, but I wish like hell I could track Shadow Paladin down and laugh in his face.
Pope_Viper said:
You know, this is way off topic, but I wish like hell I could track Shadow Paladin down and laugh in his face.

I just wanted to know the truth on who he really is.
Briosafreak said:
I just wanted to know the truth on who he really is.


It's obvious.

I mean, what else do you think Herve was doing with all his spare time between taking mismanagement decisions for his company?