Seasons in the Wasteland?


First time out of the vault
One thing i've always wondered about in Fallout is how the seasons were affected. I don't expect there'd be much snow in winter-time in California, but what about the rest of North-America? Is the radiation making the temperature rise?

I remember seeing snow in Fallout Tactics, but seeing as how Tactics isn't canon... well, you get the drift.

I suppose my question is this; if there are seasons (enough of a difference to differ between them atleast), does this affect things like rainfall and harvests, or is it possible to keep growing things in California year-round?

I'm not a scholar on these subjects by far (seasons OR the climate in California) and i'm not a really smart person.

Give me your thoughts ;)
If you rest until your pip boy calendar reaches December 25th you get a Christmas message. Christmas is in winter so thats a nice reminder its winter. Other then that through all my play throughs is all hot, dry and dead.

I have seen people in shady sands talking about rain. Other then that all you have is your real life knowledge of the seasons and the pip boy calendar to remind you.
I think that the climate is controlled by an eternal nuclear summer, seen the fact that we mostly see miles of desert wastelands and never actually see precipitation (except for Tactic's snow). But there is evidence of other weather patterns, like the thunderstorm background noise in the first Fallouts, wastelanders mentioning rain, a thunderstorm over Chicago (Tactics intro), the existence of a fungi-jungle in Florida and the vegetation in Point Lookout. So, I think there are no longer real climates and seasons, but mostly just sunshine and in certain parts of the country very sporadic snow- and rainfall.
NFSreloaded said:
I think that the climate is controlled by an eternal nuclear summer, seen the fact that we mostly see miles of desert wastelands and never actually see precipitation (except for Tactic's snow). But there is evidence of other weather patterns, like the thunderstorm background noise in the first Fallouts, wastelanders mentioning rain, a thunderstorm over Chicago (Tactics intro), the existence of a fungi-jungle in Florida and the vegetation in Point Lookout. So, I think there are no longer real climates and seasons, but mostly just sunshine and in certain parts of the country very sporadic snow- and rainfall.

You know, I never even knew the concept of Nuclear Summer existed until you pointed me to that wikipedia article. It was highly informative ;)

Anyways, from what I know of Fallout and Nuclear Summers by now, I'd say this is the most plausible theory. The concept of a Nuclear Summer does indeed fit into the Fallout world. And hey, Eternal summer ain't so bad compared to eternal winter ;P

Thanks for all your help :P

And also thanks to the others who replied :D

I guess there isn't any need for this thread to go on, unless of course someone wants a discussion about it?...
A nuclear summer doesn't necessarily mean global deserts. The patterns of airflow and precipitation are heavily influenced by physical terrain, so the Pacific Northwest will still be fairly wet. While the ground may dry out faster in many areas, they're not going become barren, Death Valley-like wastelands if they receive a significant amount of rainfall today. Unless you live in an equatorial region, there will be temperature variations around the year, but that's hard to show in-game.
"the fact that we mostly see miles of desert wastelands and never actually see precipitation"

MIght be because of time constraints and art direction, more so then nuclear winter/summer, too. :?

Probably would see a decrease in temperature and percipitation** after humanity is severely stunted, size-wise, compounded by the dust from those fine nuclear explosions covering every inch of the US. Dust would settle though, and literally rain down, not so long after the blasts, though. So, it's tough to say if there'd really be any effect at all.

Didn't the threat of nuclear winter get disproven in the early 70s?

Edit**percolation Lol.
JayGrey said:
Didn't the threat of nuclear winter get disproven in the early 70s?
They tried to disprove it in the 1980's, but they still aren't out yet (not even with modern simulations). I do recall that it was stated somewhere (maybe in the Fallout Bible) that there was no nuclear winter in the Fallout world. Not sure, though.
The Fallout Bible does indicate that there wasn't nuclear winter. There is a 'Great Winter' in 2130, but that's fifty years later.
Kanhef said:
The Fallout Bible does indicate that there wasn't nuclear winter. There is a 'Great Winter' in 2130, but that's fifty years later.
Hm, I wonder if that "Great Winter" was going to be used later on, since it's written down very nondescript between the status-quo of the Hub's "Great Merchant Wars" and the enlargement of the Master's army.
You know how GTA 3-GTA SA has a snow mod on the PC version? Well Fallout 1 and 2 need a snow mod.

Well it doesnt need it but it would be cool to see. Probaby hard to make.