So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
So the law that requires one to show one's ID at an airport is Sensitive Security Information?
Somebody made a comment on this issue that sums up my views rather nicely.
AN FRANCISCO -- John Gilmore's splendid isolation began July 4, 2002, when, with defiance aforethought, he strolled to the Southwest Airlines counter at Oakland Airport and presented his ticket.
The gate agent asked for his ID.
Gilmore asked her why.
It is the law, she said.
Gilmore asked to see the law.
Nobody could produce a copy. To date, nobody has. The regulation that mandates ID at airports is "Sensitive Security Information." The law, as it turns out, is unavailable for inspection.
So the law that requires one to show one's ID at an airport is Sensitive Security Information?
Somebody made a comment on this issue that sums up my views rather nicely.
Personally, I feel much safer knowing that airport security is so tight, and that they verify photo ID. I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of privacy for peace of mind in this instance.
Herein lies the problem. You are no safer than you were before, and you're more than willing to sacrifice your freedoms in order to have this feeling of safety.
Showing an ID in no way increases the security of an airport. If eighteen year olds around the country can aquire fake IDs easily enough to get into most bars and clubs, how hard do you think it will be for a terrorist to get one? Even then, IDs only verify identity, not intent. The 9-11 bombers showed their identities before boarding their planes. Their identities were known and yet their intentions were not.
However, the bigger issue here is that there is a law mandating this but it is kept a secret from the American public. If you read the linked article, it is clear that a law exists, but nobody has been shown this law, nor is it availble to the American public. How are we expected to follow laws which we can't read or discuss? More troubling, how are we supposed to know which "secret laws" exist and which are simply ones that the person demanding compliance is just making up? First we have a secret law demanding you show ID at an airport. Weeks later a police officer demands you show ID before stepping in your car; he claims there's a law forcing you to. Is he right? Or is he simply telling you that to see your ID? With a precedent of secret law, you can't know.