See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

You can wear faction clothes to sneak through encampments - the disguise can fail. .223 pistol is "That Gun" like someone said(No longer uses .223 ammo hence namechange). Lockpick minigame is still in.
No, I'm probably going to do a no kill run, but there are things that I'm not liking, like the crafting.
Combat Armor MK2?

So far I like what I see. It still smells like Fallout 3, obviously. But the landscape looks much better, the presented vault looked better, etc. pp.

I hope that someone is taping it. I am just doing screenshots every once in a while.
What the heck kind of questions are these, I would have asked a lot better questions if i had known they would ask about OH COME ON what kind of no brained asinine question is that what crazed fan boy picked THAT as the best question? (sorry if it was any of you but that question urkes me.)
Yes, I have my speakers very loud, because the general sound wasn't good to hear and then this happened... I nearly died by a heart attack.

Anyway, live show is over, I will check out the screens that I have made.
I recorded it, but the sound is even quieter on my recording than the stream, the only thing you can even hear is that static fest at the end.
Well, here's what I think:
-Vault 22 looks great, fantastic use of colors, creepy green dudes jumping out of plants, spore plants!
-wasteland looks fun, loved the view of the CL camp
-hated stupid oblivion color tint when walking in to the CL camp
-VA is great
-loading times are VERY impressive
Tuesday can't come soon enough!!!