See Josh Sawyer, hear MCA

Here is my stuff:

Image quality is sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Also it lookes like they loop the live presentation now, as it started again.

The armor that Arcade is wearing in the screenshots is the one from the NCR mantle dude. Just that the NCR mantle dude is wearing a mantle over it.
No way im trying to stay far away from any strategy guide info. I didn't even watch the Quest walkthrough on G4, I watched the rest of the video's on G4 though.

We have or at least I have known plenty enough about the game months ago, I don't even want to know if the Tommy Gun made it in or not but I can't help myself but to find out if it did lol.
Nice to see repair can be used on world objects instead of just your guns. Repairing elevators...just like FO1 and 2 :)
randir14 said:
Nice to see repair can be used on world objects instead of just your guns. Repairing elevators...just like FO1 and 2 :)
There were some areas where you could do this in FO3. The back way into the Mechanist's bedroom for instance.
OakTable said:
So how is Arcade gay? Didn't watch the video.
The journalist asked about the VA, so the designer they had playing the game opened up a dialogue and asked Arcade about himself. He said that he came from out west, he's in his late thirties, he was always really close to his mom growing up, his father died, and that his hobbies include reading about failed pre-war socioeconomic theories. Then he says "Can you believe that no lucky man has swept this eligible bachelor off his feet?"
Huh. Interesting character twist. I did hear from SomethingAwful that there are same-sex versions of the Lady Killer/Black Widow perk from Fallout 3. Maybe you can romance him if you take the same-sex perk?

Also, how was his voice acting?
OakTable said:
Huh. Interesting character twist. I did hear from SomethingAwful that there are same-sex versions of the Lady Killer/Black Widow perk from Fallout 3. Maybe you can romance him if you take the same-sex perk?

Also, how was his voice acting?
Pretty good. The VA That could be made out over Sawyer and the games journalist talking was all pretty good.
DemonNick said:
OakTable said:
Huh. Interesting character twist. I did hear from SomethingAwful that there are same-sex versions of the Lady Killer/Black Widow perk from Fallout 3. Maybe you can romance him if you take the same-sex perk?

Also, how was his voice acting?
Pretty good. The VA That could be made out over Sawyer and the games journalist talking was all pretty good.

Yeah, but unfortunately the talking animations are still shit.

The frame rate was also choppy at times, but that could have been because of technical difficulties.
As I can see, one can watch the video on the Best Buy site now. So it wasn't really needed to record it, etc. pp.
The Blade Runner pistol returning is pretty sweet. I had actually hoped for this when I first heard about Obsidian's involvement, so I'm feeling pretty happy! :crazy:
Lexx said:
Here is my stuff:

What's up with that pic of "Arcade Gannon", that's the ugliest NPC I've seen since the original PlayStation. Am I wrong or does he look significaly less detailed and polished than anything in FO3 or most other games?

Other pics are pretty nice. The legion outpost has NPCs that look to perhaps share the plain vanilla appearance of the arcade gannon pic, but the landscapes are nice and having a Vault full of plantlife is the desert isn't what I was expecting.
smber2cnma said:
Lexx said:
Here is my stuff:

What's up with that pic of "Arcade Gannon", that's the ugliest NPC I've seen since the original PlayStation. Am I wrong or does he look significaly less detailed and polished than anything in FO3 or most other games?

Other pics are pretty nice. The legion outpost has NPCs that look to perhaps share the plain vanilla appearance of the arcade gannon pic, but the landscapes are nice and having a Vault full of plantlife is the desert isn't what I was expecting.
I would imagine it's a mix of a not particularly great looking armor and a poor stream.
There was a discussion earlier on the forum about Caesar's Legion and how it was noticed that several of the members use melee weapons. I thought it was cool how J.E. hit up that topic during the Best Buy presentation, stating that the Legionnaires excel at fast paced melee combat. He was very detailed with the hierarchy of the Legion, which was pretty funny because it seemed like a bunch of shit was flying over the interviewers' heads. The interviewers uh.. seemed extremely excited. :roll: