OakTable said:
Huh. Interesting character twist. I did hear from SomethingAwful that there are same-sex versions of the Lady Killer/Black Widow perk from Fallout 3. Maybe you can romance him if you take the same-sex perk?
There is, it's called Cherchez La Femme. It's got a picture of a couple Vault Girls hugging romantically and one is pulling a knife on the other. At about 21:45 she looks at her perk list and you can see a few of them. The others are Better Healing (from Arcade), Bloody Mess, Built to Destroy (Trait), Comprehension, Cowboy, Educated, Fast Metabolism and Finesse. I noticed that Comprehension also offers double skill bonus from magazines (+20 total) as well as +1 from skill books. This seems logical and may give me a reason to pick it for once, especially since skill points are scarcer now.
Black Isle and all it's offspring developers have always been gay friendly so I don't find Arcade's orientation surprising but it is refreshing to have that little bit of diversity. It's handled maturely too, which I appreciate. I would think a lot of game developers would give him a lisp and stick him in hot pants. I think they stated that there won't be romances but you will still develop a bond with your companions as their stories progress.
WorstUsernameEver said:
A guy on Something Awful spotted Aradesh on a NCR dollar.
Damn, I was going to point that out. He's on a 5 dollar bill during a loading screen and I noticed another guy with a beard on a $20 but I didn't recognize him. We'll probably see Tandi's image somewhere but I wonder how old she'll be? Immortalized images of world leaders rarely depict them at their most decrepit if they ruled long so it would be strange to see her as she was in Fallout 2. She ran 10 terms IIRC so we may get to see an image of her middle aged.
The animations do look improved in some areas but others are pretty cringe worthy. At least they're not as stiff and mechanical as Fallout 3's were. The female walking animation is at least a little more natural than the male's. Gomorrah seriously has the saddest strip show I've ever seen. She really looks like she doesn't know how to dance. I think I'll hang on to my singles.
Good new information on the Legion. I think that was the one question that didn't make me scoff. I'm glad the mantises are about the size they were in 2; I guess the giant one is just a variation. I'm really hoping to fight swarms of like a dozen or more at once. I was never sold on the grenade machine gun, but damn if those incendiary rounds didn't look fun.