Seeking Rly Hard Game

No goddamn warez talk! We don't care whether or not it's abandonware or whatnot, no warez talk!
You could try Mount and Blade. It is completely open ended (not even a story line) with pretty good real time combat.

Good luck taking on more than 2 NPCs on your own.
If you have arachnophobia, (like me) you can play Dark Messiah. Not that great a game, but you fucking bum rushed by spiders, and I'm forced to just look away and pound on the attack button.
Myth: The fallen lords
Myth II: Soulblighter

On Legendary mode these games are near impossible (Myth II is harder than the original). They are also narrated by god himself (Myth I has a better story though). I suggest NOT touching Myth III.

Both games are from the late 90s so don't expect the best graphics.