Serious help needed! - Lost my F2 CD!

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Reminds me of those people on the bus who swipe their pass even when the driver isn't there. But if warez is taboo on NMA, then I guess I should keep my opinion to myself.
Actually, my FO2 (UK version) played well without the cd when using the humongous install and the 1.02 patch.
ericjones said:
Actually, my FO2 (UK version) played well without the cd when using the humongous install and the 1.02 patch.
Hmm, strange. It may be that there is more than one UK version. If you can be bothered, I would be interested to know what your fallout2.cfg file says (it's in the FO2 directory, just open it with a text editor). It doesn't really matter tho'.

Cheers to anybody who helped me with my last post about losing my F2 cd. The main problem now is I'm being told to do all these things with Image files which I've come across before but dont fully understand... so can anyone give me a little explanation, just the basics that I need to know.
you mean .img, .bin/.cue or .iso files?

these can be opened with several programs to create to your computer the fake impression that it's in your CDrom drive. programs such as Daemon Tools. (google)

or you can just burn the image onto a CD-R using Nero, Alcohol, and other burning software
hmz didnt know it was about a no cd crack or something like that

disregard my last post (as i didnt know this was the same thread)
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