Seven-year-old Escapes From Alcatraz


Night Watchman
Staff member
And he did!

Alcatraz breakout: Boy seeks record
Swimmer, 7, aims for landfall in SF

Weldon B. Johnson
The Arizona Republic
May. 20, 2006 12:00 AM

Braxton Bilbrey isn't old enough to remember the Clint Eastwood movie Escape from Alcatraz.

On Monday, however, the 7-year-old Glendale boy is going to attempt to do something that real-life escapees from the notorious prison couldn't accomplish.

Braxton is trying to become the youngest person to swim from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco.

"It kind of seems like a long way, but I'm not totally worried," Braxton said. "It's not that far."

He'll be swimming alongside his coach, Joe Zemaitis, and two other strong adult swimmers. A Coast Guard watercraft will monitor the swim, which should take a little more than an hour.

Zemaitis, who competes professionally in triathlons, has made the crossing seven times.

When asked about the possibility of encountering sharks, Braxton is quick to point out that sharks rarely come past the Golden Gate Bridge and that attacks on humans in San Francisco Bay are rare.

Zemaitis joked that on his previous swims in the bay, he was one of about 1,500 people in the water.

"My last thought going in was, 'If there is a shark attack, odds are it won't be me,' " he said. "With only four people in the water, the odds won't be as good. But I'm going to go ahead and say it's not a major concern."

Braxton's record-setting attempt will be used to raise money and awareness for drowning prevention in Arizona.

Keeping him safe around water was the reason his parents, Steve and Stacey Bilbrey, started him with swimming lessons at age 3. Braxton enjoyed swimming and begin competing with Zemaitis' Neptune Nation swim team about a year ago.

Last winter, Braxton saw a story in Splash magazine about a 9-year-old boy who made the crossing and asked Zemaitis if he thought he could do it. Zemaitis said, "Sure," thinking Braxton meant sometime before he turned 9.

That was in January.

"If you were to ask me if a 7-year-old is old enough to do it, I'd say maybe one out of 10 million," Zemaitis said. "But he's that one."
Doh! Misleading title, I thought they were actually going to lock him up and see if he could escape.
Hehe, some "escape" - I doubt that the swimming distance was the biggest problem for a prisoner wanting to escape from Alcatraz. Still cool, though.
i'd like to see someone escape from that prison in Dark Savior without going back to the beginning of the goddamn game.
the Clint Eastwood movie Escape from Alcatraz
Ah, fine movie that. It was on tv last weekend. Must have seen that flick 20 times already, it never gets boring.
I think the major issue with swimming from Alcatraz is the under currents and water tempurature. Sharks were the original rumor but that has been proved out for sometime now. I saw it once on documentary, not sure which one though.
I was hoping for some spy shit, like making some rope out of his mattress and shanking fellow attemptees with his wittled toothbrush. Impressive swim for a kid who's only seven though
By the time I was seven, I had fielded home runs, had sexual relations (no actual intercourse, though) with a female villager, was/is the king of all Amiga games, had my own little "Crocodile Hunter" experiences, got in trouble with the law, fell down into a two-story dirt hole and recovered without a scratch, drank a drop of alcohol, beat someone's ass, had a few ladyfriends, spoke two languages fluently, could climb to the top of ANY tree, could outsplash anyone's cannonball dives into water, played squirtgun war in the backseat of a moving vehicle with another person in another moving vehicle with windows down in the middle of a busy highway full of speeding traffic, pranced around naked through a city block, survived an earthquake, traveled across the Atlantic Ocean 4 times, almost died at birth, HAD perfect vision (fucking astigmatism), nearly killed a girl with a metal coil using it as a whip, chucked a wooden pole spear-style into someone's bike spokes and then proceeded to run about a half-mile before getting my ass kicked by two teenagers, killed a few chickens, saw someone's head get split open, had unnerving experiences at local beaches including being touched by seacreatures and getting my skin burnt to charcoal proportions, went swimming in a natural spring hundreds of feet above sea-level, made some really good tasting breakfast, was hit on by hot teenage girls of whom one of them would later become my girlfriend, had a killer (military trained) German Sheperd presented to me as a play-toy dog when I was about 4, puffed a smoke of my mom's cigarrette then proceeded to get the ass-wooping of a lifetime, did community service in a neighborhood crime watch which they would later on take us to a private area and show us military personnel shooting off a bunch of heavy weapons, was inside of a working military AWACS plane, ate dinner with Turkish mobsters of which one of them I WAS related to by marriage of my Aunt, saw two rival gangs fight in the middle of the street which ended with one guy stabbed fatally and taken to the hospital, saw a girl pick up a used condomn then puke because it was her dad's, saw the inner workings of U.S. Air Force communication and security forces buildings, watched my Turkish mother accidentally eat pork on a pizza and then go down to the pizza shop and nearly kill the guy who fucked up the order, watched my dad accidentally drown my dog, saw a little girl get run over by a car and then that car took off in the middle of busy traffic, spent the night at a friend's house who happened to have an abusive mother who gets punched out by her abusive husband who is very funny when he is drunk and organizes fights with my drunk dad to see which son can beat up the other fastest, nearly killed myself playing hide and seek in a washing machine, jumped off many high buildings, had nearly intimate relations with yet another teenager who had a friend that looked just like her as hot as they both were, was once blamed for making a kid go crazy with anger and beat himself silly until nearly unconscience, ran from rapid killer dogs, saw someone try to sabotage my dad's car, witnessed my dying cousin's killer coughs, had intimate relations with yet another Turkish girl (rubbing was involved), got caught having these intimate feelings by my maid, nearly got run over by a horrible driver, nearly thrown out of my seat when my dad's car got rear ended at a high speed, and had enough money to buy my own fresh baked bread in the morning.

But you don't hear that on the news.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Who ar you man? Batman?
By the time I was seven, I [...] was hit on by hot teenage girls of whom one of them would later become my girlfriend
So she is like 5-6 years older than you? (you being seven and her being a teenager, thus at least thirteen)
watched my Turkish mother accidentally eat pork on a pizza and then go down to the pizza shop and nearly kill the guy who fucked up the order
And she was right to do it, might ass well have poisoned her. You don't fuck with other people's food...
Ah, a nice pep talk to a virus.

muster said:
i don't believe i exist either
The i exists, the i exists, in time, but not on space. :lol:
But, then again we might be talking about the I, of you, but please refer to yourself as I, not as i, cause it might confuse others, like if your talking about your clones, you might be talking about them as a consortium, the I-net, which has nothing to do with the human i-net software company.( )

Then again if you feel like you don't exist, you might have to look close to the mirror to see yourself, and if you don't see even then, you have to look straight in the eye to see the I, though he will never see you, cause the micro meters that your body is measured in, are too small to be sawn by the huge creature you inhabit, but the I is still there.
Re: Ah, a nice pep talk to a virus.

Jarno Mikkola said:
muster said:
i don't believe i exist either
The i exists, the i exists, in time, but not on space. :lol:
But, then again we might be talking about the I, of you, but please refer to yourself as I, not as i, cause it might confuse others, like if your talking about your clones, you might be talking about them as a consortium, the I-net, which has nothing to do with the human i-net software company.( )

Then again if you feel like you don't exist, you might have to look close to the mirror to see yourself, and if you don't see even then, you have to look straight in the eye to see the I, though he will never see you, cause the micro meters that your body is measured in, are too small to be sawn by the huge creature you inhabit, but the I is still there.
I swear, Jarno, reading one of your posts is like walking through a Salvador Dali painting.
Re: Ah, a nice pep talk to a virus.

Jarno Mikkola said:
you have to look straight in the eye to see the I, though he will never see you, cause the micro meters that your body is measured in, are too small to be sawn by the huge creature you inhabit, but the I is still there.

:clap: Bravo!! :clap: