Several FEV Related Questions


First time out of the vault
Hey guys, I'm currently writing up a video that deals with a large portion of the lore surrounding FEV, and I needed some clarification. I've gone through both Fallout 1 and 2 as thoroughly as I possibly could in my free-time, and I've skimmed both the Wiki and Chris A.'s Fallout Bible for a clear answer, and there doesn't seem to be one. I was wondering if any of you could help me out. I have a few questions circling about in my mind but this is the one that's always been confusing to me.

Did FEV *always* have sterilization effects? From Zax and Vree, one can just assume 'yes', but one of the dialogue options when discussing FEV with the Master is "Maybe it didn't sterilize people once, but it does now." Also, according to Chris Avellone's "FEV is the cause of everything" theory, it was the FEV Tanks that broke open at West Tek after it was directly hit with a nuke that spread into the atmosphere and caused most of the mutations, so wouldn't that mean everything would have to be sterile?

Thanks everyone :D
Er.. Is that a hole you guys? There really doesn't seem to be a clear answer to this guys question.

I think when the FEV tanks were cracked that this wasn't the masters refined FEV so it didn't make things sterile... Yet. Maybe?
Er.. Is that a hole you guys? There really doesn't seem to be a clear answer to this guys question.

I think when the FEV tanks were cracked that this wasn't the masters refined FEV so it didn't make things sterile... Yet. Maybe?
Could be. From Fallout 1 to 2 we know of 3 versions of FEV
The FEV from West-Tek that spreads into the atmosphere, supposedly causing the extreme mutations of wasteland creatures and ghouls
The FEV from Mariposa that is referenced by the master as "FEV-2" (Don't know if that means anything or not)
The Morphed FEV created by the enclave to kill anyone that is not inoculated.
Moreover, is the FEV susceptible to changes from radiation? Zax 1.2 in West Tek says no, but most sources that I look at say yes
Hey guys, I'm currently writing up a video that deals with a large portion of the lore surrounding FEV, and I needed some clarification. I've gone through both Fallout 1 and 2 as thoroughly as I possibly could in my free-time, and I've skimmed both the Wiki and Chris A.'s Fallout Bible for a clear answer, and there doesn't seem to be one. I was wondering if any of you could help me out. I have a few questions circling about in my mind but this is the one that's always been confusing to me.

Alrighty, I'll try and help. :)

Did FEV *always* have sterilization effects? From Zax and Vree, one can just assume 'yes', but one of the dialogue options when discussing FEV with the Master is "Maybe it didn't sterilize people once, but it does now."

I wouldn't look into what the Vault Dweller says too closely, it's likely they just said that as part of trying to convince the Master. The "maybe" bit shows the Vault Dweller doesn't know the full history behind FEV, at least that's how I interpret it.

Also, according to Chris Avellone's "FEV is the cause of everything" theory, it was the FEV Tanks that broke open at West Tek after it was directly hit with a nuke that spread into the atmosphere and caused most of the mutations, so wouldn't that mean everything would have to be sterile?

But if that was the case, nothing would be able to breed.

Wanamingos and Deathclaws are able to reproduce despite being originally created with FEV.

I've stumbled upon this on the Wiki, but I don't know how useful it is.

Mutations and their causes said:
First, Chris Avellone seemed to prefer the "FEV explains everything" theory of mutation. He suggests that when the Glow was hit by the Chinese warheads, the tanks holding the virus burst and the FEV was vaporized and shot into the air. It was then mutated by the radiation from the blast, and went on to help radiation create the various mutant animals we know and love as well as ghouls. The problem with this theory is that first off it's a bit redundant since Fallout radiation is already fully capable of producing the mutations seen in the game's world. Second, we know from the Lieutenant's mention of inoculation from mutant FEV that any airborne strain of FEV could not cause these mutations. If it did, why didn't any humans mutate from exposure to the airborne FEV? Furthermore, if radscorpions, geckos, molerats, deathclaws and other creepie-crawlies are all products of FEV, how can they breed as much as they do? Remember, FEV causes sterility. Avellone eventually admitted that he was wrong, and that most mutations in the Fallout world were caused by the ambient radiation.

Christ FEV is a complicated topic ain't it? I think if you were to search more thoroughly you can find more topics discussing it. I do recall reading something about how FEV couldn't be airborne but I cannot remember where it was I'm afraid.

Thanks everyone :D

I've probably caused more confusion than helped, but you're welcome :)

EDIT: Just want to add this because it's interesting.

ZAX said:
The FEV is pre-programmed with introns of corrected DNA appropriate to the proper type of species. It therefore attempts to correct the DNA of the individual.}
{170}{}{However, as the FEV is partially reliant upon the DNA of the individual, and also includes portions of its own recursive code, the effects can be unpredictable.}
{171}{}{When inoculated into an individual with significant genetic damage, such as through radiation, it will cause the body's systems to suffer massive overhauling, leading to organ failure and death.}
{172}{}{In a genetically viable individual, it re-writes portions of DNA, causing accelerated mutation, usually leading to recursive growth due to the FEV's own patterns.}
{173}{}{This recursive growth leads to an increase in muscle and brain mass, but is often accompanied by disfigurement and damage to existing neural patterns, causing loss of memory.}
{174}{}{What potential long-term side effects exist?}
{178}{}{As the FEV causes constant regenerative update to DNA, it would effectively render the subject largely immortal, as cell death would be offset by augmented growth.}
{179}{}{Additionally, as the gametes of the reproductive system consist of 'half-cells' using split DNA, they could be perceived as 'damage' by FEV, which would 'repair' them, rendering the subject sterile.}
{180}{}{However, as my laboratory facilities are damaged beyond repair, this is conjectural. I cannot offer physical proof. You will have to, in human terms, 'take my word for it.'
Did FEV *always* have sterilization effects? From Zax and Vree, one can just assume 'yes', but one of the dialogue options when discussing FEV with the Master is "Maybe it didn't sterilize people once, but it does now." Also, according to Chris Avellone's "FEV is the cause of everything" theory, it was the FEV Tanks that broke open at West Tek after it was directly hit with a nuke that spread into the atmosphere and caused most of the mutations, so wouldn't that mean everything would have to be sterile?
My guess would be "It's complicated"

In Supermutants and Ghouls it definetely causes sterility, whereas with less mutated humans(Your average wastelander) it doesn't seem to be the case.

Then you've got Deathclaws and Wannamingos which can breed, same with Mole Rats and Pig Rats.

Perhaps it's a specific trait to humans, and requires a heavy amount of exposure.
I played a quick playthrough of Fallout 1 last night, just so I could discuss this topic with a few NPCs, particularly, the Master's Lieutenant
He mentions how the FEV that was vaporized and shot up into the atmosphere after the nuke hit West Tek 'inoculated' people, kind of like how getting inoculated against the Flu doesn't give you the symptoms of the flu. Here, maybe getting inoculated against FEV doesn't necessarily sterilize you. So depending on how far that air-FEV went, which in 80 years, could possibly be all over North America in low concentrations, most wastelanders could be inoculated against FEV, meaning that if they were dipped into the VATS they wouldn't get all of the benefits like the increased intelligence or super strength, depending on how irradiated the person is.

Like Prone Squanderer said, FEV is pretty damn complicated XD
I guess it was a bit foolish of me to expect some easy answer lol. Thanks for helping guys :D
This holodisk confirms that some species can still breed despite being mutated by FEV.

Beside, some super-mutants like the lieutenant, Attis or the Fallout Tactics super-mutants scientist, do believe it is possible to work around the sterility issue through scientific experiments. They don't kill themselves like Richard.