Mildly Dipped
DumBunny said:So, back to the hard copy of the manual, any ideas?
DumBunny said:Don't think I'd have any luck on or any such place?
DumBunny said:To all of you who keep telling me to get the manual, I did, and I unzipped it, and I've tried to open it with every text program I have, and all I get is garbage, unreadable symbles that mean nothing.
DumBunny said:People kept saying, down load it. So I did, no one here bother to add that I could get Adobe free online. The last time I saw it it was running over $100 and that's WAY out of my price range.
Todo said:Well If I remember right, there is a folder in the CD titlet extras/manual. There is also setup for the Adobe Acrobat Reader. It lets you view .pdf files ie adobe files. Just install it from the CD.