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Download Sfall for Fallout 1
Download Sfall for Fallout 2List of changes:
* From ddraw.removed ini variable GainStatPerkFix (now the effect of including a constant).
* Now shows FreeWeight free weight the owner-character/free size bags" for open nested bags.
! Fixed several defects associated with the button "Take all"/"to Put all" (and nested bags).
! Fixed disappearing items in inventory when you try to put them into a sub bag if the player is overloaded.
+ On the equipment screen of the player shows "empty weight from the owner-character/free size bags" in the open nested bag.
* Tweaked and added hs_inventorymove processing events when dragging an object into a nested bag.
! Fixed engine used by the functions for getting dressed armor and weapons in the hands of the player if the inventory is open a nested bag.
* Now hs_keypress may return skankod of the new keys that will be processed by the engine instead of the original.
! Fixed output in the monitor window messages when hitting a random target if he is not a character and she has a script, and call damage_p_proc at misses if the target nepilsona.
! Fixed crash when clicking on empty space in the inventory with the cursor using the object from the main pack.
! Fixed my bug in the handler for the calculation of stats if you use a variable DerivedStats.
* Removed variable processing ModifiedIni from ddraw.ini, and the function returns false modified_ini value (alternatively you can use the function get_ini_setting).
* When UseScrollWheel=1 you can scroll monitor window (though not as effectively as it does HRP).
! Fixed the use of nested bags in trade window.
! Fixed crash when trying to open the bag/backpack in the trade window.
+ Added a change from sfall:
>Fixed potential undefined behavior and crashes in sfall arrays (From Vennor)
! Fixed wrong initialization of action points at the beginning of each turn, which led to adding a hidden bonus to armor class opponents and because of this decreased chance to be hit by them.
+ Added modes returned by the function get_game_mode: INTFACEUSE (open the inventory window under the cursor using an item from the backpack), INTFACELOOT (open window snooping boxes/corpses) and BARTER (open the trade window).
* Fixed the functionality hs_ammocost and CheckWeaponAmmoCost - now they operate independently from each other.
+ Added variable CarryWeightLimit to change the limit weight.
* Rewritten, corrected, and brought to mind CritterInvSizeLimitMode - now this is a fully functional and interesting extension. The value of the variable CritterInvSizeLimit applies to all characters and for its storage is used STAT_unused this character that allows you to change the value using set_critter_stat. On the equipment screen of the player and in the settings dialog of the party members in the field "Carries" in addition to "total weight/max weight" is displayed (if the corresponding mode) in addition to "General size/max size".
* Now supports any FreeWeight mode CritterInvSizeLimitMode, but to avoid confusion we had to change the display format of abandoning the display maximum value. Now the format is "free weight" for characters and "free size" for containers, and when this mode is enabled CritterInvSizeLimitMode for specific characters - "loose weight/free size".
* Fixed hs_invenwield.
+ Added variable CarChargingFix to change the charging capabilities of the vehicle with the use of fuel cells at other facilities.
* Improved bug fix "forced use of explosives if the explosion hurt anyone there, return again to the map and exit map.
+ Fixed wrong path detection when reading/writing files sfallgv.sav and sfallfs.sav.
! Fixed and tweaked obj_can_hear_obj obj_can_see_obj.
* Now when a variable is included UseScrollWheel you can scroll through the inventory targets in the window snooping boxes/corpses or the trade window.
! Fixed bugs in functions call_offset_v* and sfall_ver_*
* Rewritten the original explosion_crash_fix on the "right" option.
! Fixed a bug leading to paint with uprated (to plant the explosives and leave the map before the explosion) use of explosives: if the explosion radius of any next, back on the card and again the output from the card.
! Now when the forced use of explosives and the death of the victim is called destroy_p_proc.
* The value of the variable SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims can be equal to 2 in this case, the count value will change instantly (but at the time of death all the same animation).
+ Added variable InstanWeaponEquip, the inclusion of which disables the animation of putting away/taking weapons when it changes, opening boxes, etc..
* Instead of variables BodypartHitMod0...BodypartHitMod8 used BodyHit_Head...BodyHit_Uncalled in sfall1.
* Rewritten the original TimeLimit with corrections (lost time, processing the event queue). Removed a value of -2 (overflow of the counter and the game freeze. What good is he?). If -2 is used, then the effect is the same as if indicated -3. Correctly shows the age of the player (however it is limited to 99, so as not to spoil the conclusion) on the character screen.
+ Added variable PipboyTimeAnimDelay to change the speed of the animation time clock "pipboy".
+ Added changes from the original sfall:
>Fixed incorrect bonuses on AC and Melee Damage from Heavy Handed trait when using perks.ini
>A new hook script: hs_invenwield (when wielding or unwielding an armor or a weapon by a critter)
>Message_str_game Expanded function to support all pro_*.msg files as well
>Removed obsolete Jim's damage formula
- Removed obsolete variable WorldMapFPS and related ForceLowResolutionTimer (treated only if WorldMapFPSPatch=0), as well as WorldMapDelay (treated only if WorldMapFPS and WorldMapFPSPatch equal to 0).
* Now WorldMapEncounterFix is processed regardless of the value WorldMapFPSPatch (previously only if WorldMapFPSPatch=0).
! Fixed display of received damage if instant death.
* From ddraw.removed ini variable MultiHexPathingFix, the reason is similar to the removal BlackSkilldexFix.
* Optimized AnimationsAtOnceLimit.
! Fixed functional variable OverrideMusicDir.
* Now when the included variable is checked even CheckWeaponAmmoCost and the number of rounds the weapon in the firing queue.
Download Sfall for Fallout 1