sfall decompiler(int2ssl Author Program Anchorite)


Vault Senior Citizen
have my hands on the source code for a couple days,the decompiler has been updated and tested with every function in the function list txt that comes with sfall,all of them work,can download it from my site

Crashes on startup with:
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
You seem to have compiled it in debug mode; it's looking for the debug runtime libraries.

i will fix it(and also include the script i used to test it,i will put it in the source zip)

edit : uploaded

edit : let me know if it is working please

Nirran said:
edit : let me know if it is working please
Still the same error, and it's still linked against the debug libraries. There is now a GL_Decompile_Tester.ssl in the source code folder though.
ok uploaded,compiled with "Link only int2ssl"

donno this program much yet

Still the same. :P

From the way it's the microsoft libraries linked in, I assume you're using visual studio? In that case, the option you're looking for is here. Better still, after switching to release mode, go to the code generation page of the project settings, and change from multi-threaded dll to multi-threaded.
tested it with cubik and mib,they both say current works,uploaded,thanks timeslip

edit : function i used in studio was batch build(release)

yup, the current one works now. :) (Well, actually it's crashing with an invalid opcode error, but that's probably because I'm cheating by pointing it at my 2.8 test scripts. :P)
thanks :)

sfall function list.txt has a few errors,i will correct them and upload it in the decompiler source folder,if you want it

edit : list uploaded

Nirran said:
edit : list uploaded
Thanks, got them all. Just one there that you correctly noticed had a mistake, but you got the wrong fix: 0x81ce should have been set_hp_per_level_mod
Ok, now that it is working, can someone explain to me what it is?
Is this a watcom thing to decompile the scripts that you made, or a ruby thing, that can decompile all script? If so what are the differences with them, and do i need to still use watcom to compile? Is it compatible with the version of sfall from the RP 2 ?
Sorry, i can feel this is very interesting, but I need really basic explaination...
Grayswandir said:
Is this a watcom thing to decompile the scripts that you made, or a ruby thing, that can decompile all script?

yes and no,it is not watcom,yes it is decompile all scripts,and it should take the place of ruby for practicaly all scripts(thats the point)

edit : i think you are asking if it works with watcom compiled scripts,in that case yes it does

edit : no you do not need to change the way you are currently compiling scripts(watcom)

Grayswandir said:
Is it compatible with the version of sfall from the RP 2 ?

yes ,and when a new sfall release is made that makes this outdated,i will update it

(and btw i have been adding sfall op_codes to the ruby compiler and decompiler,the commpile and decompile of the op_codes works perfectly,but im having to fix flaws in ruby[just finnished one :mrgreen:],i will ask mib88 to use the files for a while before i release them,to make sure they are stable and no bugs)

edit : fixed a few gramical errors in the op_code spelling,uploaded
edit : fixed name of 2 op_code retsults,uploaded

added all vanilla op codes to my test script and checked them for compile decompile,found 4 errors,its probably why the decompilers avail failed for specific scripts,anyway they are fixed and uploaded

edit : some vanilla codes in ruby were missing the proper names,i completed the vanilla op codes(fo2) for ruby,was forced to rename about 10 of the functions(namely the ones with maybe_),also added op_ to all of fo2 functions(those that didnt have op_)

Nirran said:
In this case I don't really understand why you rely on Noid's syntax/opcodes. Int2ssl provides native Interplay's syntax of SSL language. And speaking about errors with original opcodes check following thread in TeamX's forums. Automatic translations is not always adequate but mostly satisfactory. Jordan've been made same thing for an older version of Sfall. It is outdated indeed but some fixes related to the original opcodes would be helpful. Links to source code samples are given in that thread.
And one more thing, pretty please, do not reproduce Jordan's mistake when there where two binaries with the same version stamp but different functionality. If you plan to make and release your very own and tweaked build of the utility, either fork it completely from the original project or make a well visible notice to be displayed on a program start. So people could clearly see that it's special Sfall/Noid edition of the utility. Thanks in advance.
Alchemist said:
Nirran said:
In this case I don't really understand why you rely on Noid's syntax/opcodes. Int2ssl provides native Interplay's syntax of SSL language. And speaking about errors with original opcodes check following thread in TeamX's forums. Automatic translations is not always adequate but mostly satisfactory. Jordan've been made same thing for an older version of Sfall. It is outdated indeed but some fixes related to the original opcodes would be helpful. Links to source code samples are given in that thread.
And one more thing, pretty please, do not reproduce Jordan's mistake when there where two binaries with the same version stamp but different functionality. If you plan to make and release your very own and tweaked build of the utility, either fork it completely from the original project or make a well visible notice to be displayed on a program start. So people could clearly see that it's special Sfall/Noid edition of the utility. Thanks in advance.

to date my plan was simply to update sfall op_codes with the program,i would love to be able to get rid of the annoying

lvar0 := 0;
lvar1 := 0;
lvar2 := 0;
return 0;

then missing finnal end of the procedure,but i do not know if my c++ is up to par to be able to do it,when it is, i definetly will be fixing that bug

ok then,i will start by bumping the version release by .10,and add .01 every new release,i will do that now

edit : version control has begun,i will make sure it isnt AFU,current version is,and is uploaded

edit :
Alchemist said:
If you plan to make and release your very own and tweaked build of the utility, either fork it completely from the original project or make a well visible notice to be displayed on a program start. So people could clearly see that it's special Sfall/Noid edition of the utility. Thanks in advance.

done and done

released the ruby sfall op codes,take a close look into GL_Decompile_Tester_Ruby.ssl for the new names,every sfall op code has been added to compiler decompiler,most previously decompiled(in ruby) source code will not compile

edit : int2ssl has one op_code that does not compile(though it is obscure and is probably not in use[i think it is a fo1 code]),addRegion will not decompile,ruby will compile the decompiled code,and decompile but it will be asm code in the script,when i know what i need to do ,i will add the function,but kinda hard to work on something when the desired result is not known,heh

edit : int2ssl - fixed a typo in tile_conatains_obj_pid(the op_cade name) uploaded


Just to clarify a little on what Grayswandir asked earlier, let's say I'm starting from scratch and want to use your new compiler to work on some scripts.

Step One: I install Fallout 2/FO2 mapper (to get some scripts to work on) and grab the latest version of sfall (so all the new sfall stuff I'm going to add to the scripts will work in the game).

Step two then would be to download some tools and files, but which ones exactly are needed to take full advantage of the functionality of your new compiler?