sfall decompiler(int2ssl Author Program Anchorite)

Btw. thanks for this tool. It's very useful beeing able to simply open a compiled script file with the script editor to check out stuff. Fallout modding never has been easier than nowdays. :>
Nirran said:
edit : forgot to mention that the fix only affects newly compiled scripts,previous compiled scripts will have the error,and that it only effects scripts compiled with ruby then decompiled with int2ssl
edit : vague response,this is in reference to the ruby bug that happens when compiled by ruby and decompiled with int2ssl,previously compiled script will return with this(not in source code)
return 0;
lvar1 := 0;
lvar2 := 0;
etc,then finnal end missing
now with the files i uploaded,compiled in ruby and decompiled with int2ssl will work properly,but again,only with scripts compiled with the files i uploaded,not previous compiled scripts


not completely true,i did some testing and int2ssl Does add the finnal end,but the
return 0;
lvar1 := 0;
lvar2 := 0;
is still generated

updated for sfall 2.16,ruby Noid files are updated also,uploaded

edit : forgot version number,re-uploading

updated Noid and int2ssl for sfall 3.3,uploading now


edit :

found a bug and fixed it , get_last_attacker and get_last_target opcodes were swapped , corrected them , uploaded , current int2ssl version is 8.6.1

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Are you planning on updating your collection of RP mods in line with the newest version 2.3.2 of Killap's mod?

I have a rather stupid question. After reading the thread, I'm still confused:
1) What is the difference between this int2ssl and the one that comes with modderspack and used automatically by Script Editor when you open .int files? Is it only all sfall opcodes? (strange that modderspack include decompiler that fail to decompile sfall scripts)
2) What's different in this Ruby compiler? Does it means you can write your scripts in Ruby language or just that the compiler itself is written in Ruby? )
@Drobovik No not at present

1) the difference is that the decompiler I am keeping updated has the opcodes that are added with sfall,the one that comes with sfall modders pack is the orginal that Anchorite wrote and it fails to decompile scripts that have sfall functions in them(tested with a hookscript just now)

2)the ruby files are a fork of what noid wrote,it is ssl scripted compiler and decompiler with fo1 and fo2 opcodes,I simply added sfall opcodes to fo2 sections


edit : the Noid compile/decompile files are written in Ruby and they compile and decompile ssl
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Thanks for continuing to update the Noid compiler. I use your version every time I'm looking at scripts, it's invaluable. :clap::clap: