Shadow Vault First Look


Night Watchman
Staff member
iSONEWS has posted a first look review on Shadow Vault, the game got an 6 out of ten average rating from one gunhero, he described the graphics as static, yet detailed, and a mildly satisfying gameplay:<blockquote>If you are a Fallout fan and a TBS fan, give this game a go. Imagine your favorite juice, and it's empty, but to get a little taste of it, you just fill the empty bottle with water and drink it. Mmm, you can still feel some of that sweet taste, but extremely weak.
That is how Shadow Vault is.</blockquote>So, if you can borrow it or buy at a low price, give it a shot, but still we're yet to see a full-blown PA RPG. Also, you may want to check out the screenshots.

Link: Shadow Vault First Look @ iSONEWS

Thanks to WaR-CrAzY for the heads-up.
Eww... screenshots are pretty gross :). The characters are the same colors as the environment, making them blend in a little too well with their surroundings. The second screen shot (the one with all the characters in one small area) is just gross. The characters all mesh into one blob. And is this game turn based in the same way as final fantasy? That's what the third screen shot comes across as and that would be gay to the Xth power.
Marcelo said:
Game turn based? Argh.. Combat turn based is good, but game turn based....

Unless the game is ALL about combat ;)

It's a TBS, more like Tactics than true Fallout.
Ok.. More combats, more shots. A good game. :lol:

But unhappily a true RPG as fallout (1-2-mods) was not still released. Still... I have hopes..

:shock: 8)
Yeah, it's more FOT, but since it's not supposed to be in the Fallout universe, it's acceptable.
Heh heh.

I'll probably start a war with this, but Tactics wasn't that bad as a tactical game. As for the RPG element in it, well, it was scarce, but still more than I had initially expected (which was exactly fucko')

And as for the setting, mind you, the game wasnt mad by BIS, it wasn't made by Fallout fans, it was made by another team, so the best that could have been expected was a game with vast deviations in the setting...

Oh, and I liked the music, too. :D In fact, I think the game was better for tactical gameplay than X-Com Apocalypse, which also had good music, and had botched everrything else in the idea of X-Com series.
Hi everybody.
I joined the group recently, and I'm just giving out a friendly "Hello."
Also, I'm glad to see that so many people are still under the spell-binding awesomeness of the glory that was (and forever will be) Fallout.
And as for Fallout Tactics, it could have been quite an awesome game, but unfortunately the team aspect was not done very well, and the battle system was also pretty shitty and took forever to do a single mission.
I guess that I'm just a very impatient person.
Key word was supposed.

Since Shadow Vault isn't supposed to be Fallout, a lot of the peculiar parts don't upset me. Since I just started playing I haven't seen any RPG elements yet, but what's there seems really weak. Much less options as Tactics, but at least they will be actually used. Which couldn't be said for Tactics.
DraconiumX said:
I guess that I'm just a very impatient person.

Welcome to the club.

My love for Tactics died when a certain save got corrupted in themiddle of combat and the last one I had was from the start of the mission.

I also had a crappy PC back thaen and it took forever to wait for my turn. Maybe today I'd do better. ;)
I never loved it but for the first 5 minutes.

I spent a year looking for it in a store in my area (this was pre-net-connection for me).

After a year, I found it. Installed. I was in heaven. It was FO again.

Then I started to notice things that were wrong. and got scared........
I sincerely never played Fallout Tatics. I never saw the game.
Fallout brought me to the world of RPG.
I waited a long time for a new Fallout rpg(3), and a Fallout Tatics came.
Ok, no problem...
Shadow Vaults... it is a strategy game.
Shadow Vault doesn't want to take the place of any fallout, it would be a lot of pretense of him.

When the game was released I picked it up and tried it - then I would give it about 6.5.
Now, after finishing it, I would reconsider and maybe give a grade of 7. Being a combination of Jagged Alliance and Fallout: Tactics (or Jagged Fallout as I like to call it) it is fun. And that's all that matters. Sure - the sound effects are not the strongest point of the game, and maybe you could ask more from the enemy AI, but the game is good for those rainy days when you feel like playing a solid TBS game.
I've gotten ahold of this game and will write a review later, so far I'm not impressed at all at this game.
what did the manual of the game mean where it says "the story of how we learned to make bombs that made the whole world feel better"
Linsky said:
what did the manual of the game mean where it says "the story of how we learned to make bombs that made the whole world feel better"
They used this for Shadow Vault too? :lol: