Mildly Dipped

How can there be no thread about SW ? This is probably my favourite first person shooter of the year.
Very well done melee with nice system of upgrades, weapons with great feel, beautiful graphics and level design. But what suprised me most, where Hard Reset had some of the worst videogame writing I have ever seen (despite being great game overall), Shadow Warrior has really well written dialogues. It is essentially a buddy movie where one of the buddies is an asian nerdy ninja hitman and the other is a demon from another dimension. Their banter is often hilarious.
This is really just such a great game. Did Wooz work on it as well?
Very well done melee with nice system of upgrades, weapons with great feel, beautiful graphics and level design. But what suprised me most, where Hard Reset had some of the worst videogame writing I have ever seen (despite being great game overall), Shadow Warrior has really well written dialogues. It is essentially a buddy movie where one of the buddies is an asian nerdy ninja hitman and the other is a demon from another dimension. Their banter is often hilarious.
This is really just such a great game. Did Wooz work on it as well?