Shameless Marketing Attempt:


Antediluvian as Feck
Interply knows no bounds to try and sucker their fans, be it from the fansites or elsewhere, and have done the following for the Fallout Tactics site at

What is that, you ask? Well, thank goodness those at the fansites do know better. Those are images from the original Fallout games. The one on the left looks a bit like the Wrights' house in Fallout 2, and the one on the right looks suspiciously like the entrance for the Brotherhood of Steel.

Oh, please do click on the image links, and please also notice that the slideshow of images for the product info page shows the Fo1/Fo2 images as well.

The level of "no shame" has no bounds when it bears IPLY's brand on it. Is it any wonder why an increasing number of people are dissatisfied with IPLY? Probably not...

You really have to wonder why they would do that when they are also selling the game for pocket change. That's lower than shareware, baby!
I especially like how they just happen to not have a larger image of the thumbnail. "We are sorry, no larger image is available." Hmm.

What next? Blinding lights that cause myopia? Because even then, even with its current price, its still a hard sell. Maybe if they offered a "dunk the developers booth". Five bucks for five pitches. Make em swim.
They'd probably make more money by offering the chance to toss rotten tomatoes at Caen's ugly mug for $10 a throw. I'd have enough spare change to make sure the stupid twit died in fetid marinara sauce.

Now imagine what the rest of the dissatisfied customers would do.

The funny thing is that a lot of people at IPLY really don't get why IPLY is hated, then act defensive when people voice/act out their displeasure. It's like the stupid redneck that pisses on the electric fence, is knocked on his ass, then tries to take another piss on the fence.

Sorry, Chuckles Bueche, for any connection between your game's content and what IPLY has now become.
ROFLMAO!! :mrgreen:

This must be the singel most stupid thing I've seen in a very loooong time.
Well, the freakin' colorful pink mutant graphics must have frightened everybody so they've posted the REAL post-nuclear images.
I'm still saying that Fallout3 should look like FO2. :!:
What the hell is interplay thinking?! Even they knew Fallout 1 and 2 were better! That's why the pics are there! And then they try to cheat it, so they can sell Fallout: BOS. To bad the buyers won't get what they are expecting....

^My reaction

You gotta admit, that is pretty funny (even if it is false advertisement and just plain wrong). However what I thought was even funnier was the price link you posted:

Fallout: Tactics Price: $4.95

I think that Fallout 1 and 2 are more than that. Once again, pretty funny (though I can't believe I bought that crap when it first came out for fifty-friggin'-dollars)