Mar 26, 2004 #1 Odin Carbon Dated and Proud Admin Our Polish buddies over at Shamo has put up a spanking new design which looks awesome, it's got the retro feel to it (which was what I was going for with NMA). Cheers Obsydian!
Our Polish buddies over at Shamo has put up a spanking new design which looks awesome, it's got the retro feel to it (which was what I was going for with NMA). Cheers Obsydian!
Mar 26, 2004 #2 W Will_c It Wandered In From the Wastes That is a Realy nice layout. The graphics go great with the theme. Kudos to our Polish pals
Mar 26, 2004 #3 Briosafreak Lived Through the Heat Death Fantastic looks, even the Forum template is great
Mar 26, 2004 #4 Brother None This ghoul has seen it all Orderite Wow, that's pretty good. PS: don't be hard on yoself, Odin
Mar 27, 2004 #5 D DarkUnderlord Water Chip? Been There, Done That I was about to critisicise them for making their shiny chrome lettering style too hard too read... before I realised it was in Polish. I've never understood why some places disable the ability to right-click either. :/ Odin said: it's got the retro feel to it (which was what I was going for with NMA). Click to expand... TIP: Notice how they've gone for chrome and not Indiana Jones style lettering.
I was about to critisicise them for making their shiny chrome lettering style too hard too read... before I realised it was in Polish. I've never understood why some places disable the ability to right-click either. :/ Odin said: it's got the retro feel to it (which was what I was going for with NMA). Click to expand... TIP: Notice how they've gone for chrome and not Indiana Jones style lettering.
Mar 27, 2004 #7 W Will_c It Wandered In From the Wastes I would love to see that kind of style for nma, or just for the forums, but i still like this style a lot though
I would love to see that kind of style for nma, or just for the forums, but i still like this style a lot though
Mar 27, 2004 #8 O Obsydian First time out of the vault It could be possible because i am the creator of present NMA layout. and i could it change once again if Odin give me some directions for new one .
It could be possible because i am the creator of present NMA layout. and i could it change once again if Odin give me some directions for new one .
Mar 28, 2004 #9 Stevie D Vault Cornwall my ansome That is one lush site. Is there a way to see it in English, or is it Polski only? Ski?
Mar 28, 2004 #10 O Obsydian First time out of the vault In neer future we are planing to make greek and swedish versions of the site but it is quite possbile to make an english too
In neer future we are planing to make greek and swedish versions of the site but it is quite possbile to make an english too
Mar 31, 2004 #11 D DarkUnderlord Water Chip? Been There, Done That Greek and Swedish? Damn, that's just what I've been looking for!