Shamus Young on SPECIAL

xdarkyrex said:
Eh, I think it'd be just fine. I've translated real-time games into turn based systems before and it worked just fine.
Oh you did, didn't you? Then tell me: how the hell did you translate things like sequence, interrupt, burst ability, snipe abilities, camouflage and sneak, the ability to walk slowly or just to not make noise? How did you balance the inherently twitchy factor of a surprise attack in the turn based system? How did you translate the pressure felt by the player himself into the pressure felt by the character? What about the concentration required to shoot while hurt? Or while bleeding? How did you balance the speed of each player into the action points of each character? You tell me, I wanna hear it.

You didn't translate the system, you translated the game into a whole other system. You can't translate these kind of things, at least not fully. And it works both ways. How the hell do you make a turn based system like, I don't, Jagged Alliance, Silent Storm, Temple of Elemental Evil, hell, even that cheesy game I played a long time ago, what was it? Warhammer 40k? I don't rightly remember. Whatever. Tell me: how do you translate such a system?

You are right, SPECIAL is not much complex, not much developed, it's unbalanced and stuff, but so what? It's turn based. Its BASE is the turns. You change its base, you change the whole.

xdarkyrex said:
even the most basic translation to rt in fot worked just fine.
Oh, it SO did. Tactics was absolutely amazing in real time mode. Either you just stood there, looking at your squad sniping down the enemies or you stood there watching them die... Pretty cool. A party based game in real time is always so awesome. You just look at every single one of the out there and you see. I don't know, Dungeon Siege? Isn't it awesome? How you don't have to do anything at all besides clinking in everything that moves to win the game? It's so freaking cool... Tactics had that downside, you see: our characters actually died, and it was a pain in the ass... -_-

xdarkyrex said:
I actually enjoyed playing the game in rt. (especially for easy battles).
Yeah, sure, but what about the hard fights? Did you fight them in real time too? You have your point if you say easy fights in turns are just flat out boring, and that's true. Fights are always boring in turns if they are not balanced. But so are they in real time, they only take less time. Now look at Fallout (1, FO2 has to much dungeon crawling for my liking, even if they are not actual dungeons): are there many of those fights? Most of the fights in the game were actually challenging, well, in a way... Of course some are not, specially if you play certain ways... but that's what any combat system should be about: not being boring. So if you have to make fights balanced in a game, because its turn based, you do it, and you'll see the result will be much more rewarding. I prefer to fight only one or two enemies in a challenging and fun turn based fight with lots of tactic and stuff rather than pass half an our twitch shooting everything in sight as in Halo or something... Man, what a BORING game... Jeez...

xdarkyrex said:
Not to say that fot was a perfect translation or anything, they definitely did not balance the stats appropriately in someregards, but the SPECIAL system is not even remotely too complex to translate easily. It's not like we are talking about D&D 3.5 here or anything.
They are different in nature.

Anyway, I always thought FOT's biggest achievment was to actually improve Fallout's combat system (you know, the overwatch thing actually did a difference) rather than the real time switch. I like it, yeah, the real time/turn based switch is awesome, for me at least, and I'd like to see it in any game. But the levels and the fights should always be balanced for turn based (which doesn't happen in FOT) so most of the times you have TBC but when fights are just plain easy (like, I don't know, fighting rats in Modoc? Or in Klamath? Or fighting some radscorpions in a random encounter?) you just switch to real time and that's it. Besides, it helps fight eventual glitches in the turn based system, like when you can't leave combat because of some random reason and thus can't save your game (silent storm...), you just switch to real time and run away, saving yourself a lot of trouble... :P