Also the part about high french gas prices made me laugh hard. Go visit germany on a good day and forget about buying anything else, because gas will cost you everything.
i didnt comment on germany because with germany in particular its pretty hard to tack down a good average price for gas. lol, when researching the subject i found several webpages that dont even bother doing any such thing and try to tack gas prices by region and even then they had disclaimers saying that constant shifts may not make their information accurate.
Yes, I've been to Germany, and they certainly never had a problem with racism before the Arabs started coming, so very true.
if your referring to the racial agenda that lasted even past the second world war then you should know its not something unique to germany. hell russia was throwing all sorts of hissy fits over austrian agression in the balkans because russia thought many of the balkan nations had populations that were racially related to russia. that all caused germany to declare war on the franco russian alliance hoping to fight when they want to and not when that deadly alliance felt ready.
ALL of the powers until rather recently were racist, it was just a fact of life. its just that germany had leadership with both the audacity and the authority to act upon it in the 30's that we blame all of it on them when that simply quite wasnt true. eugenics and racism of the sort could be seen in EVERY nation on earth, even in the us clear up till the 60's. i will admit that many drugs did clear up a lot of issues but there is still a great deal under the surface.
dont test me on history,

. history is really my best subject.
Yes, I've been to Paris, where there certainly aren't riots every summer or so and wine-makers are certainly not turning to domestic terrorism, and Italy, where the government certainly doesn't collapse and re-form almost every year, and I can see that you're right about how super-stable Europe is.
compared to a nation where the great become worthless and the worthless become great overnight europe IS stable. the united states is a constant shifting pot of social movement, not always positive. europe, well the statistics show that if your born middle class you will stay middle class and your children will stay middle class and nothing will change pretty much ever. solid, stable, boring. ya there are a few riots in france(and who can forget how pathetic the italian government has been even before the 20th century?) but honestly compared to the united states, its stable and dull all across the developed nations in europe(i used developed nations because there are quite a few undeveloped places like the balkans that are absolute hot spots of change and activity).
Oh wait! My city actually doesn't have nearly the problems of America. Our murder rate is still about 1/7ths of Baltimore's relative to our respective populations, our students are better at math, science and nearly every other subject than America's youth, our ghetto-ized, oppressed, backwards minority is one that was effectively wiped out of existence in your country, and we're healthier than you guys too.
the healthier remark reminded me of a fact of the middle ages. a great deal of malnutrition durring the high period wasn't caused by lack of food(it was absolutely warm then and europe bloomed) but rather by how they prepared food. sort of reminds you of modern american habits too huh? even our "health" is hideously bad for you. seriously who in their right mind thinks that food treated so it has "zero" values is healthy? even the idea of completely removing something from your diet(save for sugar) is utterly stupid but people round here do it.
one thing i do NOT recall in canadian history is mass immigrant waves of the poor and the destitute, nor a civil war that suddenly plopped millions of fresh destitute civilians in their lap. canada didnt have to figure out how to incorporate such a wide berth of people and figure out how to bring so many up from the depths of death by poverty.
im not racist and im not saying its symptomatic of black people but rather the wealth group that they are in. a good example of the troubles that millions of destitute people brought to our nation look at washington dc, or any of the other top most violent cities in my nation. they all have something in common. incredibly large tracts of poor people, places like washington and new york were hot spots for freed slaves to set up new lives. many stuck it out down south working practical slavery by having to rent everything in the entire world just to live and farm(often effectively putting them in a trap of poverty that would only grow as time goes on). the ones that made it to places like washington, new york or set up in new orleons were dead poor. these poor communities struck up, started massive influxes of violence and other issues and generally are one of the biggest issues today.
the thing is that canada(or any of the industrialized european nations for that matter) cant say that they did better because they never had the damned opportunity to do better in such a situation. this arab immigration thing is one of the few times in european history that they have experienced large waves of immigration, or people of a distinctly different wealth class then they are.
now canada doesnt use vocational schools to the degree that europe does which is a big plus, but it can be clearly said that they have better grades on average because they dont have titanic high schools full of people shooting each other over drugs, people who still are learning english and people so confused by the social stigma formed by the communities surrounded by poverty that they quite simply dont give a damn.
look at the private schools in the us. on average they do VERY well. however they still in teaching method function exactly the same as the public schools. the difference is that they keep out all the bad eggs because its bad for business. they are a perfect example of how well the american system of education can do if it isnt bogged down by countless external problems. and our system doesnt fail because we fail to try, the us puts more money per student into education then any other nation on earth. the us tries more types of schools then any other nation on earth, however the same problem starts up.
and dont tell me that the government can fix the poverty with silly things like welfare. in every nation that has tried such a system it has failed miserably. the systems that have worked best are exemplified in places such as bangladesh where it can be sink or swim and providing people with the means to excell if they have the courage. a good example is something that started there, micro loans to the poor. a loan of 500 dollars or less to someone may make 60 cents a day so that person can invest it in some sort of business plan. its amazing the sort of business this has created in bangladesh(and its also why bangladash has exploded into development and rising quality of life).
the socialist bleeding heart idealology to use the government to fix the problem, well its never gotten ANY results, it just got addicts sucking on the tits of big government.
And European economy works fine, that cant be said from the American system. We had good situation, untill you yanks had to screw up the banking systems and the entire worlds economy.
yes, the stable unchanging european economy. a system that under the heavy watchful eye of the european govenments really didnt go anywhere or do much of anything until our poisen spread across the sea to infect you too.
the banking issue is something that is just a fact of the natural order. in evolution dont you think a few kinds of animals tried things in evolution that didnt work? we see CLEARLY the things that did work but the fact is that there had to be a lot of mutant babies that honestly were nature's way of trying but failed utterly and miserably. we see that in human beings too, such as rare conditions of people growing long hair across their whole body, someone who for some reason the webbing in their fingers didnt die out before they were born and other anomolies.
if we are to have a free adaptive and creative economy we have to be prepared for when its mutant offspring fail to meet expectations. its utterly STUPID to think that in an economy that is essentially based on darwinism there isnt going to be a mutation, an attempt at the next big thing that just fails completely. you cant have it both ways. you can either remain a putrit ameoba or you can take chances and try to evolve in something better and realize that some ideas just aren't going to peter out. and dont give me this bullshit that those loans could make no sense in any context. maybe they were inspired by the upstart bangladeshi banker's sucess in dealing with the ultra poor?
this is getting kinda long so i wont go on a rant about how darwinism is not dead and it still applies to human beings and the environment we have created.
i think your socialist because you preach ideals that are for more governmental control. the two poles are socialism where the government controls things and regulates the lives of people and there is capitalism that believes that the natural order can provide the most productive economy and the businesses will create what the people need and the government need only set up the most basic platform such as infrastructure, police and so on.
now this in itself could be a rant but lets just say this. the modern basic needs of a person are clothes, food/water, shelter and healthcare. why is it that its deemed acceptable for someone to be expected to work and pay for EVERYTHING but healthcare? you have to work to feed your fat face why is it too much to ask that you work to live with the diabetes that you earned?
the more you go down the roads the more exeptions you make. the more people who get handouts and the less people work. its a circular process and eventually everyone starts living with a sense of entitlement and productivity plumits. its a worthless piece of shit system. even if you arent socialist to the degree of the soviet union it still happens. socialist activites are strangleing businesses like gm, they strangle the effectiveness of our government to do what really matters, and in genral they destroy everything that is for the common good and create an environment and society that is NOT looking at developing or advancing itself. after all, why worry when everything is on the government's tab right?